TheAmnesiacKid | 51 points
1967 - The Doors
1967 - Strange Days
1968 - Waiting for the Sun
1969 - The Soft Parade
1970 - Morrison Hotel
1971 - L.A. Woman
Link: /#F!w7pTTARY
Base64 Decode Key: IUhPM2hPME5qeVozeFNFVWRaSmZUZUE=
[-] [deleted] | 4 points
Thanks! I've got "The Doors" and "L.A. Woman" on CD and Vinyl, but when HMV closed all of its locations in Canada I never got the chance to buy the rest. This will help!
[-] DaddoSSL | 6 points | Aug 11 2017 21:44:49
Quality music in FLAC, finally!