Lightzmare | 47 points
ase and[K]
ey parts are encoded in base64. Decode the two parts and add
in front of it all to get the working link.Note: The .mkv files are archived into a password protected/header-encrypted RAR. | Megalinks MegaDB Note: The .mkv files are archived into a password protected/header-encrypted RAR. The passwords for each RARs are what comes after therarPW =
below. The strings are encoded in base64 so you'll have to decode that as well in order to get the actual passwords.
o2ARk.101.2160p.NF.WEBRip.DD5.1.x264.rar [8.98GB]
rarPW = PiV+SlIzTkF6fGlANlo4
MD5 = 1c52b781b38ee3a5a452a0750341666f
02aRK.102.2160p.NF.WEBRip.DD5.1.x264.rar [7.99GB]
[B] = IyFWT2dBd0pZWQ==
[K] = IXZBcWNTQzE4LThSazF1b3Rxam9KcVNLS1NmSXJXSmV0XzJPeUcxRi1keHc=
rarPW = RzphZmlFYnJRQXY2fndG
MD5 = 1fc0d4aad80cdb761558af9b192bf023
O24RK.103.2160p.NF.WEBRip.DD5.1.x264.rar [9.88GB]
[B] = IyFNYTR3allBSQ==
rarPW = bG8yVGRGRGpeVSo+Uisl
MD5 = 3976177c4813e1931be887e93fdaed6f
024rk.104.2160p.NF.WEBRip.DD5.1.x264.rar [9.59GB]
[B] = IyFCU1JHeVlnUw==
[K] = IXdtUy1QU2lPb1d3TnVVN2VlOXRZWUhYWlJvNDNjQk92aklxLW05SXpKYzg=
rarPW = akpFRjlWR1pydSFUPWcq
MD5 = abeb9c4022732689fb1ca87a22beffe5
0Z4rk.105.2160p.NF.WEBRip.DD5.1.x264.rar [7.74GB]
[B] = IyFVZTV6QVI0Qw==
[K] = IWMweHowZjZPcjREZDA5UGlkdFVBODdibGpCb2luZ2RsUEdXd1hiMkdDWDA=
rarPW = I1FZM0BiT3FNNmx6Kmln
MD5 = 1cfd5b41ac3af6e6d5495b1c45560d97
024Rk.106.2160p.NF.WEBRip.DD5.1.x264.rar [8.42GB]
[B] = IyFwYjVGVURpUg==
[K] = IXl3YzJGRXFRMmdqWEhxNnlacVFLUVZRUzF4c2dqZUpabVg1eTdBN0pYVXM=
rarPW = OEReQmxPUmYhUE48aF9Z
MD5 = fd77e762835274e1a1d0f83c67f636e2
o2aRK.107.2160p.NF.WEBRip.DD5.1.x264.rar [10.45GB]
[B] = IyFJR1lGbkx6WQ==
rarPW = QndeY1JVRmE9P3oxN1RL
MD5 = 33a45d3a9ea4120c5e4028367b343509
024RK.108.2160p.NF.WEBRip.DD5.1.x264.rar [11.48GB]
[B] = IyFoZWhYaFNhWQ==
rarPW = eXAvd3Z8TWpfRD82UWJF
MD5 = a88f34d1f7142eade0f422d50a07d08a
0Z4RK.109.2160p.NF.WEBRip.DD5.1.x264.rar [15.13GB]
rarPW = fFcmajJJdDdVcUxTay82
MD5 = 5c5824c5d77684947d3978f16d248ac5
Oz4Rk.110.2160p.NF.WEBRip.DD5.1.x264.rar [8.46GB]
[B] = IyFJU3BpeGFpRA==
rarPW = L0lDSl4wPnZlI1lVRDVv
MD5 = 25b0a9f75dd48f5e2f93eae44d0d1a35
[-] badbooster | 3 points
Thank you for the upload but somebody ought to convert these to HEVC.
[-] codenameXera | 1 points
Thank you!
[-] carlthescorp | 1 points
That is a whopper of a file. Thanks
[-] achilleshightops | -2 points
If anyone has a chance to import all of these into one folder and share it via PM it would greatly be appreciated.
I can share data from my Plex serve via BitSync as a thank you.
[-] Lightzmare | 2 points
I could do it but "data from your Plex serve via BitSync as a thank you" doesn't sound appealing, imo...
[-] achilleshightops | 2 points
It's 10TB of 1080p movies and tv shows.
[-] Lightzmare | 1 points
Meh... Nothing I could get from my private trackers...
I mean putting 100GB into one folder would require me to get a some PRO account as MEGA's free tier is limited to 50GB of storage, so... Not really worth it, as to what you're proposing, you feel me?
[-] achilleshightops | 2 points
Yea, no worries. Someone else maybe interested.
[-] sirin3 | 10 points | Aug 09 2017 12:09:47
Is that some kind of record?
I have partitions that are smaller