Lightzmare | 31 points
ase and[K]
ey parts are encoded in base64. Decode the two parts and add
in front of it all to get the working link.Note: The .mkv files are archived into a password protected/header-encrypted RAR. | Megalinks MegaDB Note: The .mkv files are archived into a password protected/header-encrypted RAR. The passwords of each RAR files can be found here!924klCiI!RPxzPxd2oHDwtpQWR5IobG2vYJ-i2mmxZfG_Ehy5y1Q
[MD5 =f007786c43bae70cea75cbdefb670a3e
].It's a
text | Megalinks MegaDB text file meaning its content is also encoded to base64, meaning that you'll have to pass that into a decoder first, in order to get the actual passwords.Since all my latest uploads have been reported/taken down, I have no choice but to use all those steps in order to prevent that from happening again.
Epis0de 01 [MD5 = 64d97ad24f019486613d020eb08e0af0
[B] = IyFWdVJXU0xaVA==
[K] = IVZTU2FKVktQdGdvM29GNG9iSUhsaU9yUUM3aV9yZ3FsTng0eGNBNWxtRmc=
Epis0de 02 [MD5 = 7b7ee342745bd24419d6cfbf9d9ea187
[B] = IyEweXBuQlFZQw==
[K] = IVFBVjF2RlYyQlVmY3VaV0Fnbm96emI0SWJ4QVZqbnd0d294VE1ET3RCRVE=
Epis0de 03 [MD5 = 5ea49e8f46f9d5fff6040e13796ee3e8
[B] = IyFBM2hsU1RiWg==
[K] = IVdIQU1YSzRzOUN4clI1WTd1Z0ViU2UtYjRsN0dhcFI3b1hoUXpPRzYtMGc=
Epis0de 04 [MD5 = 58ca4289bf49522f254f794686c06b8b
[B] = IyFobVlGRkw3SQ==
[K] = IS1wRnRtTG9KV09yZzJzOHJsb2FGdTAtSDA2MG1xd1BmbkVlSTl0eVlTdVk=
Epis0de 05 [MD5 = f4732c600d44502829a20464c7265e7b
[B] = IyFwcndpeUJSWg==
[K] = IWRtQjNLUHAtR3kwR1p4MF85bTF0LVM3Z2wyOFU4OUd0eGNKcUtnQ3hHZ2M=
Epis0de 06 [MD5 = c148894bb8826a80719a009444924d42
[B] = IyFnQ2hqSEtySw==
[K] = IWdYbllvNlg0YXRkblhEZDFoUnlNNnBFcVB6UDNydVF1dkNYemRDN1lmOWs=
Epis0de 07 [MD5 = a7d0aa44645351badac2b1952f6eec9f
[B] = IyFnVEFXekR6Ug==
Epis0de 08 [MD5 = 90f4f30f7d9384b56c2aa9ea002bff4e
Epis0de 09 [MD5 = 944ab35a7182814cacfbe37f4b8f40e1
[B] = IyF3UElWR0lvRA==
[K] = IWN5VTZ6Nmt6TVNNbGdkbVE2M0FPV2NYUWhoUjZkXy1sUG9TYjhtMjFKc2s=
Epis0de 10 [MD5 = ddef275c2b5fae4e6394cbce17b6abe9
[B] = IyFaR1lnUkw2QQ==
[-] theycallmekenny | 2 points | Aug 08 2017 17:16:54
Thanks! I was having trouble finding a season 2 pack in 1080p. Great show too!
EDIT: Good call on the encoding with base64, it's really easy for a user to run it through a base64 decoder and should make the files last MUCH longer :)