tiiiiimmmm | 18 points
Key: ITZlT1dFcm40YUojU2FsdCFERmNvZV9HNnlKdEE=
Decode at https://www.base64decode.org/ and remove word #Salt! (including the pound sign and exclamation point) from both the link and the key.
how do i download these ones i keep getting an error ?
[-] tiiiiimmmm | 2 points
Go to https://www.base64decode.org/ and decode the link and key, then remove word #Salt! (including the pound sign and exclamation point) from both the link and the key.
[-] randomfa933 | 1 points
thank you!!
[-] xxdil111xx | 1 points | Aug 07 2017 18:02:41
Great show.