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inthebackground89 | 52 points | Aug 03 2017 09:59:23

[TV] The Nanny - Season 1-6 - DVDRip 29GB [Re-Up] | Megalinks MegaDB [TV] The Nanny - Season 1-6 - DVDRip 29GB [Re-Up]

The Nanny - The Complete Season DVDRip, Season 1-6 AVI Format 512x384 / 640x480 | x264 | 29GB

https://mega.nz/#F!wl0RgKob KEY: !O83xPk7EqqnYFM2ArdWeiQ


[-] CuriousNoobKid | 6 points | Aug 03 2017 14:20:39

Use some link protector....


[-] Wisear | 1 points | Aug 03 2017 21:01:16

Noob question:



[-] CuriousNoobKid | 3 points | Aug 03 2017 21:17:03

Bots scrolling through all the posts to see if they can access anything on this subreddit, if they can, it gets removed for some reason. Probably bots by anti piracy people.


[-] otterlock | 1 points | Aug 03 2017 21:11:56

Thank you!!!!


[-] NegativeKarmaForever | 1 points | Aug 04 2017 00:11:04

Thank you for the series! Your efforts are much appreciated.

Now, a technical question: 512x384 | Megalinks MegaDB 384?! That low? Were the actual DVDs manufactured in such a low resolution, or is it that the original ripper chose to sacrifice image quality for a smaller size?


[-] inthebackground89 | 1 points | Aug 04 2017 03:35:32

the original ripper choose 512x384 why i have no idea.


[-] NegativeKarmaForever | 1 points | Aug 04 2017 10:59:54

Oh, OK. Must be some very old rips then. Thank you for your answer!


[-] Youthro | 1 points | Aug 04 2017 21:57:12

Do you have Happily Divorced?


[-] serb_brah | 1 points | Jan 08 2018 22:20:13

Thank you sir!
