zidaninho10 | 51 points
KEY: !JI6PZFhDul5HSrTujFtcsMKjHifPBSceAvfUkTtlvO8
[-] Hollow_in_the_void | 3 points
[-] notgayinathreeway | 1 points
[-] [deleted] | 2 points
[-] gandalftheshai | 1 points
[-] KangarooARMO | 1 points
[-] darkflame91 | 1 points
Does this actually have surround sound? The same rip I got for S07E01 stated 6 channel, and mediainfo (and VLC) told me the same thing. But it had zero sound on my left and right satellites.
Can anyone confirm if the surround is legit, or if the file just has a bunch of empty sound channels?
[-] douhaveanygreypoupon | 4 points
Both have surround sound there are just large sections where nothing happens on them:
[-] darkflame91 | 1 points
Thanks! How did you import the file into audacity btw? I thought of trying that, but I couldn't import, possibly because x265.
[-] douhaveanygreypoupon | 3 points
Demuxed the streams with eac3to & then just imported the aac/e-ac3. You need to have the FFMPEG library installed & referenced in Audacity to import more codecs.
[-] Jessegio34 | 1 points
Can someone please reup this for me? Thank you very much!!!!
[-] SubZorro | 3 points | Jul 24 2017 05:30:05
Subtitles for this episode:
^This ^list ^of ^subtitles ^are ^taken ^from ^opensubtitles.org ^| ^For ^feedback ^or ^suggestions ^contact ^/u/indigo6alpha