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SourceDetective | 36 points | Jul 23 2017 12:47:38

[ANIME] Dragon Ball Super 025 [English Dub][1080p][409.6MB] | Megalinks MegaDB [ANIME] Dragon Ball Super 025 [English Dub][1080p][409.6MB]

Link /#!Ibo0xJhZ

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~~1080p BDRip muxed with Funimation English Dub~~ Funimation Webrip. When they do the dub over blu ray i'll post it here. This is a good version regardless.


Source: KamiFanSubs

EDIT: ~~IT SEEMS EP 26 DIDN'T AIR YESTERDAY.~~ WILL UPDATE SOON. If it actually didn't air, it will be up until next week.

EDIT 2: It did air, just at a dfferent time than usual, which is what caused all this confusion. Hopefully it'll be ready for this weekend.


[-] ShanCouseland | 3 points | Jul 23 2017 15:36:00



[-] stonecats | 1 points | Jul 23 2017 12:55:49

didn't 026 come out already?
i thought 025 was last weeks.


[-] SourceDetective | 5 points | Jul 23 2017 13:03:35

You are correct. But Ep 25 wasn't released by KamiFansubs until today because of a delay on their end. ~~Ep 26 is supposed to be ready today too, but it's all on their hands.~~ EP 26 DIDN'T AIR YESTERDAY, THUS TILL NEXT WEEK. | Megalinks MegaDB EP 26 DIDN'T AIR YESTERDAY, THUS TILL NEXT WEEK.


[-] ptd163 | 1 points | Jul 23 2017 20:29:15

The delays are because they need more people. Both their twitter and website say they urgently need help.

Also episode 26, according to Wikipedia, didn't air this week and is airing on July 29.


[-] SourceDetective | 2 points | Jul 23 2017 20:44:46

Yeah, you seem to be correct. I based that off what they said on their discord. I also checked /r/dbz and they have an ep 26 thread so i assumed it ran but after reading the comments i don't think it actually aired. And yes, they need more people, unfortunately.

Thanks for pointing that out!


[-] sneakpeekbot | 1 points | Jul 23 2017 20:44:57

Here's a sneak peek of /r/dbz using the <a href="https://np.reddit.com/r/dbz/top/?sort=top&t=year">top posts</a> of the year! | Megalinks MegaDB Here's a sneak peek of /r/dbz using the top posts of the year!

#1: Half naked girls get thousands of upvotes; how many for our boy in blue? | 460 comments
#2: Nappa Cosplay | 418 comments
#3: My Android 18 costume! | 553 comments

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[-] ptd163 | 1 points | Jul 31 2017 03:27:30

After going to r/dbz after I finished watching 026 today and wondering why they have a discussion thread up for an episode I thought that hadn't aired yet (027) I discovered that 026 did in fact air on July 22.

What aired yesterday was 027. My mistake. Sorry about that.

PS: the 1080p DoR of 025 and 026 was released by KamiFS today.


[-] SourceDetective | 1 points | Jul 31 2017 05:01:47

Yeah i realized it did air in the end and put up an update in the post. The different air schedule is what caused all the confusion.

Anyways, I'm getting ep 25 (better quality re-up) and ep 26 up today. They havent put up ep 27 yet, unfortunately (taling about KamiFS, i know it aired :p).


[-] ptd163 | 1 points | Jul 31 2017 05:19:05

Yeah after the person(s) that left causing them to ask for help the delays have from 12-13 hours to like a week.


[-] SourceDetective | 1 points | Jul 31 2017 05:34:55

I didn't know it was because some people left. I've been talking a bit in their discord and it seems SeNsUi is doing most work. Glad they're doing it tbh, i like their work and i don't mind the delay. It's free stuff in the end. :)


[-] ptd163 | 1 points | Jul 31 2017 06:27:23

I thought I saw something on their website's feed at some point about (a) person/people leaving the team. I could be wrong though.


[-] iBobRoss | 1 points | Jul 23 2017 17:21:56

Are Goku and the gang still fighting Catman?


[-] zantetzou | 2 points | Jul 23 2017 18:13:27

golden icebox in this episode :P


[-] pokebud | 1 points | Jul 23 2017 21:37:31

I'm pretty sure it did air, they just changed the time slots to screw with DVR users. The earlier Adult Swim showing is now a rerun and the Toonami showing is the new episode.


[-] SourceDetective | 1 points | Jul 24 2017 00:20:15

I hope you're right. In that case, maybe it'll be available for dl soon :)


[-] pokebud | 1 points | Jul 24 2017 00:59:53

It's what was said in the /co/ toonami thread yesterday but the entire dub is available on nyaa if you want it now.


[-] kas-loc | 1 points | Jul 24 2017 01:04:05

but the entire dub is available on nyaa if you want it now.

how when it isn't out yet?


[-] pokebud | 1 points | Jul 24 2017 01:10:11

BD release I guess, I looked earlier today for last nights episode because the DIRECTV broadcast was fucked up, and they're all there.


[-] kas-loc | 2 points | Jul 24 2017 01:12:06

do You mean the 1- 100 list? thats sub. japanese voices with english subs.

The English DUB is still going in the 20's with 26 SUPPOSED to be releasing yesterday. So i don't understand how they can "all" be there when thats kinda impossible.


[-] pokebud | 2 points | Jul 24 2017 01:20:33

No, what I did was I got confused with Final Chapters because I'm dumb, that's the one that's available.


[-] SourceDetective | 2 points | Jul 24 2017 01:31:31

Btw, that batch upload is coming ;)


[-] kas-loc | 1 points | Jul 24 2017 01:41:47

lol I'm not actually from this Sub. A Google search for ep26 brought to me this comment sect haha So i don't actually know what that is sorry :/ Something to do with Ep26? haha :)


[-] SourceDetective | 3 points | Jul 24 2017 02:13:42

I wish! It's not up to me whether Ep 26 is up on nyaa or not :/ What i meant is i'll be uploading soon the 001-100 pack of the subbed version. Although every episode so far is found in my post history.. I'm doing it for the ease of having all subbed episodes in one place.


[-] kas-loc | 1 points | Jul 24 2017 05:42:38

I see haha all good, my man! but thanks tho!

Screw adult swim and their greedy shit!


[-] SagmrTH8 | 1 points | Jul 24 2017 06:28:08

The episode has been released just few minutes ago you can see it on dragonballsuperdub com site and the link is on MEGA but the quality is not that good, I just wanted to let you know. As for me I'll wait for SourceDetective "My hero" to upload it in the Blue-Ray like he always does.Thank you source detective for your outstanding efforts I used to hate sundays but you've made them the most enjoyable <3


[-] SourceDetective | 1 points | Jul 24 2017 01:07:13

Could you please link it? I've been checking constantly and i don't see any uploaded. :/ Also been checking KamiFansubs.


[-] kas-loc | 1 points | Jul 24 2017 01:14:16

Ive been looking since it was meant to be out, This is killing me :(


[-] SourceDetective | 2 points | Jul 24 2017 01:29:26

Yeah it's weird. If they did air it just a couple hours later then why has no one been able to get it? Some streaming sites at least.


[-] kas-loc | 1 points | Jul 24 2017 01:34:52

dude... That's what's confusing me.

Never in my pirating years have I seen a show's Ep become as simply unattainable as this is.

NO-ONE has it, I mean No-one. No stream-site, No Torrent Site ANYWHERE has it. Only 25 marked as 26 as torrent or just nothing. I've been looking NON-STOP after it was 'supposed' to air at 11:30pm/est.

Starting to fucking weird me out a lil.

if you Find anything, give us a shout.


[-] SourceDetective | 1 points | Jul 24 2017 02:15:20

Yeah for sure man. I'm periodically checking for updates. Anything knew will be added to the post.


[-] AWildDorkAppeared | 1 points | Jul 24 2017 08:20:07


This user seems to think 26 did air.


[-] SourceDetective | 1 points | Jul 30 2017 00:31:24

Yeah, it did air in the end but it was during a different time than usual, hence the confusion. I think it'll be ready for tomorrow (i hope). Sorry for replying late!


[-] AWildDorkAppeared | 1 points | Jul 30 2017 04:57:30

It's no problem, people get busy!


[-] pokebud | 1 points | Jul 24 2017 01:30:31

I got confused with Final Chapters because I'm dumb

Sorry about that


[-] SourceDetective | 1 points | Jul 24 2017 01:32:32

Ah, no worries mate. Shit happens.


[-] AWildDorkAppeared | 1 points | Jul 24 2017 08:12:13



[-] ThatsSpooky | 1 points | Jul 25 2017 00:23:10

26 did air, it's on kissanime TV-Rip



[-] SourceDetective | 1 points | Jul 30 2017 00:28:35

Yes, my mistake. It was a bit confusing for everyone since the air time had changed. I hope to have it for tomorrow. Sorry for replying late, too.
