Lightzmare | 52 points
[B]ase and [K]ey parts are encoded in base64. Decode the two parts and add
in front of it all to get the working link.
Parks and Recreation S01 720p WEB-DL DD5.1 AVC
[B] = I0YhOW1KQ3picUI=
[K] = IUh3TG16eTFxSjM1TnZfc0NYRTlsNUEK
Parks and Recreation S02 720p WEB-DL DD5.1 AVC
[B] = I0YhZHZBbEdEeWE=
Parks and Recreation S03 720p WEB-DL DD5.1 H.264
[B] = I0YhQnJweDFLREM=
[K] = IVBsMkgtalk2aGdtbm9pRlFWSk9HSmc=
Parks and Recreation S04 720p WEB-DL DD5.1 H.264
[B] = I0YhMHk1aFRJVEQ=
[K] = ITZjMWp4S3NSUGlybW9idVFyWXJqZmcK
Parks and Recreation S05 720p WEB-DL DD5.1 H.264
[B] = I0YhaGl3bTNLcVE=
Parks and Recreation S06 720p WEB-DL DD5.1 H.264
[B] = I0YhRnFoeTFTS1M=
[K] = IWp4VExSbWdGQnVzRWNrZ3Z3Tkh5encK
Parks and Recreation S07 720p WEB-DL DD5.1 H.264
[B] = I0Yha2laQnlLNUs=
[-] emilianooyoo | 2 points
[-] iskanderalex222 | 1 points
thanks :D
[-] uLtra_boost | 1 points
How do I do this, I'm doing something wrong :(
[-] douhaveanygreypoupon | 1 points
Use a base64 decoder on the B & K parts and then combine them
[-] uLtra_boost | 1 points
oh, mb i was decoding them together
Great job man.... do u have google drive links for these?? And also y did u encode them into b64..... why not just leave the links as it is?
[-] Lightzmare | 1 points
do u have google drive links for these
Is this r/googledrivelinks?
y did u encode them into b64
To make it not easy.
[-] SubAutoCorrectBot | 2 points
It looks like "/r/googledrivelinks" is not a subreddit.
Maybe you're looking for
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am i doing something wrong or season 1 isn't up anymore? i also tried s05 and couldnt get past the decription key
im new to this, am i doing something wrong?
[-] Lightzmare | 2 points
You're doing something wrong. I just tested and the files are still there. They're all here.
Ok, I'm gonna study on it and figure out how it works... If anyone has an ELI5 suggestion for a dumb guy, pm are welcome xD
[-] Lightzmare | 1 points
Just use this and like I said:
Decode the two parts and add in front of it all to get the working link.
[-] street0721 | 3 points | Jul 06 2017 05:02:02
any chance for a 480p rip?
[-] Lightzmare | 1 points | Jul 06 2017 14:13:25
Don't have that.