cmon2017 | 39 points
Newer Upload
[PC] Adobe CS6 Master Collection [7.33 GB]
Adobe Photoshop CS6 Extended [1.30GB]
Adobe Dreamweaver CS6 [285.8MB]
Adobe Fireworks CS6 [472.2MB]
Adobe Flash Pro CS6 [1.27GB]
Adobe Illustrator CS6 [2.03GB]
Adobe Indesign CS6 [961.0MB]
Illustrator_16_Content_LS16 - Extra Fonts [111.9MB]
UPDATE - Added
Adobe InCopy CS6 [692.5MB]
InDesignFamily_8_Content_ALL [130MB]
New Total Size is [7.19GB]
Just add mega to the start of the link
Key is in the comments
Unzip the exe and read the INSTALLING INSTRUCTIONS.txt
-Example Quick Guide-
Disable Internet Connection
Install as trial
Copy the dll from 32 and replace the existing one in these folders
C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS6
C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Bridge CS6
Copy the dll from 64 and replace the existing one in these folders
C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS6
C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Bridge CS6
In Task Manager Start up disable any Adobe start ups
Restart Pc and enjoy
[-] fatshady3624 | 2 points
[-] Beachedshark01 | 1 points
Got premiere pro cs6 by chance? hey this has premiere pro and encore working perfectly =3 hope i'm not to late
[-] Beachedshark01 | 1 points
Hey thanks!
[-] veniversumv | 1 points
[-] Illuminati_confirmd | 1 points
Unzip the exe and read the INSTALLING INSTRUCTIONS.txt
There is no Installing.txt within the zip.
When you try so hard but you don't succeed XD
[-] imguralbumbot | 1 points
[-] Illuminati_confirmd | 1 points
So, what now? Is it a hiden file in the zip or something? Sorry, I don't understand what you mean. All I got are the .exe files, no .dll no .txt for me.
unzip the exe.. and you get your files. either run the exe and it extracts where you set it to or you unzip it and do it your self
[-] Illuminati_confirmd | 1 points
[-] austinallag | 1 points
I only want download the Adobe Illustrator. How do I do it properly? Thanks!
then you only down load Adobe Illustrator XD
[-] austinallag | 1 points
How I do download it using the MEGA Downloader?
[-] cmon2017 | 4 points | Jun 08 2017 02:31:35