vcdupper | 103 points
1,000 views 256 downloads 24 upvotes :(
[-] rubbishdude | 3 points
[-] derrickgw1 | 3 points
is the camera shaky like the baddass one?
Download the sample
[-] derrickgw1 | 5 points
I did already earlier today. As i did for the badass file. the sample badass file did not shake. The actual movie shook a lot. this sample looked ok. But so did the badass one. In that one the shaking didn't start until about 5 minutes into it. I'm not trying to be a jerk. Just asking. I'd just like to know. The sample may be fine but taken from a part without shaking like in the Badass copy
Tell me exactly where the badass copy starts to shake & i'll make a sample of the same spot
[-] derrickgw1 | 1 points
It's not that important. I'm going to wait for a different copy. Regardless, I deleted the badass copy already so i can't be sure. But i only made it bout 5 minutes into the movie. But it's clearly shaking during part of the early post accident scene where the new captain is talking too his crew. Whoever is filming probably has the camera sitting in his lap and not on a tripod on the badass copy. Text is cut off. And it's frame is constantly moving. Especially noticeable in the meeting scene when every subject is seated or standing still. But that's a different video in a different thread. Again, not my concern. I'll wait til a different copy regardless. Good luck to you.
[-] C_McButterpants | 2 points
Maybe the CAM's shaking cancels out the Movie's shaking — have you considered that?
^^^I ^^^am ^^^trying ^^^to ^^^be ^^^a ^^^jerk ^^^:P
Anybody wanna comment on quality? Screens look promising.
Video 7.5 / Audio 9.5
Very impressive
[-] C_McButterpants | 11 points
Were you watching it on ur brand new Nokia 3310 by any chance?
Those ratings a based on a TS.... idk what you are all expecting here.
[-] C_McButterpants | 3 points
I was just pulling ur leg ;)
Any screener without crisp packets, running commentary and people standing up is a win in my book.
[-] PM_ME_YOUR_MONS | 2 points
no matter how desperately I want to watch this movie now I decided to wait for better Korean HC at least release. Video quality seems to be pretty good for TS/CAM kind of stuff as well as audio but this movie have to be watch in HQ. I turned off after 10 minutes of watching cuz I barely saw any scenery details and Ridley's Scott movies are masterpieces in that matter. Also playback sometimes looks choppy. BR release is estimated on August '17 but if Korean's VOD release shows up that would be good for me.
Alien Covenant Official Trailer [HD] 20th Century FOX | Megalinks MegaDB Alien Covenant Official Trailer [HD] 20th Century FOX -1 CD
- Download SubtitleAlien: Covenant | Official Trailer [HD] | 20th Century FOX | Megalinks MegaDB Alien: Covenant | Official Trailer [HD] | 20th Century FOX -1 CD
- Download Subtitle
^This ^list ^of ^subtitles ^are ^taken ^from ^ ^| ^For ^feedback ^or ^suggestions ^contact ^/u/indigo6alpha
[-] Blue-Thunder | 1 points
Is my copy of megadownloader borked?
The file could not be verified. * File code: FOoxhRhS
Lately I haven't been able to download anything using the links.
Are you following the instructions correctly to the letter?
[-] Blue-Thunder | 1 points
Yes I am. It just seems lately I haven't been able to use megadownloader to grab stuff, but I can manually do it. I am not sure if it's only stuff with keys or what. Usually the error I get is illegal characters yada yada. So I know it is an issue on my end, not the wonderful work that you uploaders are doing.
Unhandled exception has occurred in your application. If you click continue the application will ignore this error and attempt to continue. If you click quite the application will close immediately
Illegal characters in path.
See the end of this message for details on invoking
just-in-time (JIT) debugging instead of this dialog box.
For example:
When JIT debugging is enabled, any unhandled exception will be sent to the JIT debugger registered on the computer rather than be handled by this dialog box.
[-] Mark_Twayne | 0 points
How do i get the key?
[-] Mark_Twayne | 0 points
[-] stonecats | 6 points | May 26 2017 01:33:27
i saw this from a torrent;
Alien Covenant 2017 720p HDCAM ENG x264-Mr.BADASS
since this is the same 2.4 size, it's probably the same crap;
V:6 A:4 - i'd wait for better.
half this movie is overnight in dark caves where you can't see
and most of the important average volume dialog is muffled.
[-] vcdupper | 3 points | May 26 2017 01:43:32
Agreed, not a bad 1st effort though
[-] phatphil55 | 2 points | May 26 2017 20:19:33
Decent for a CAM if people dont want to wait 2 months for korean subtitled version.
[-] phatphil55 | 1 points | May 26 2017 20:18:43
A:4? TS means audio has been recorded at source and then synced to video hasnt it?
[-] stonecats | 1 points | May 26 2017 20:23:50
the problem is most of the dialog between david and walter
is echo unintelligible - i don't really care about it being in sync.
[-] phatphil55 | 1 points | May 26 2017 20:36:08
I'll scan back thru as it sounded good to me. (headphones)
[-] stonecats | 2 points | May 26 2017 20:41:35
maybe i don't understand british accents... who knows.