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second_second | 53 points | May 23 2017 17:44:22

[PODCAST/AUDIO] Dan Carlin's Hardcore History | Megalinks MegaDB [PODCAST/AUDIO] Dan Carlin's Hardcore History

Use this to decode from base64.

Total size: 5.54 GB

Base64| aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56LyNGIWlvdzJ6WkxKIXM0Yk4yUWNkTmRPRXgxRkRsWUlsd1E= ---|----

Dan Carlin has the last 12 episodes for free on the RSS feed and wherever you get your podcasts from. I highly suggest listening to them there, it would help his show very much. The other episodes are behind a paywall, so I have them uploaded on Mega. If you want to listen to the free episodes, i have them below.

Source | Link ---|--- Dan Carlin's Website | http://www.dancarlin.com/hardcore-history-series/ RSS Feed| http://feeds.feedburner.com/dancarlin/history?format=xml iTunes| https://itunes.apple.com/ae/podcast/dan-carlins-hardcore-history/id173001861?mt=2&ign-mpt=uo%3D4 Stitcher | http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/dan-carlins-hardcore-history-30606 Podbay | http://podbay.fm/show/173001861 Pocket Cast URL | http://pca.st/hardcorehist

Episode List: On Wikipedia
Dan Carlin's Site: http://www.dancarlin.com/

PS: If you want the sources for the episodes/extra notes then go to the episode page on his website, the sources and other trivia will be at the middle/bottom of the page.

Edit #1: Added Size
Edit #2: Added PS


[-] DionysusParty | 3 points | May 23 2017 19:43:53

Thanks so much man! Dan Carlin is the shit.


[-] [deleted] | 2 points | May 23 2017 18:22:36

deleted ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.7819 ^^^What ^^^is ^^^this?


[-] Silverbackus | 2 points | May 24 2017 03:16:42

This has been requested so many times, thank you for doing the deed. xo.

Edit : do you happen to have the Extra History podcasts? Thanks again.


[-] Tajtus | 1 points | May 23 2017 20:39:48


Do you maybe also have his Common Sense show?


[-] [deleted] | 1 points | May 25 2017 08:24:16



[-] second_second | 2 points | May 25 2017 08:58:10

I totally agree. I feel kinda bad for pirating his show. I enjoyed his episodes almost everyday on the way to uni, but back then I couldn't afford to pay for the older episodes, so I pirated them. I will pay for the episodes soon, but until then, this has to suffice.


[-] iamabighugenerd | 1 points | May 25 2017 10:20:34

Go whine somewhere else, please.

Some of us don't have the privilege of having a bank account or any kind of card to make electronic transactions. I am homeless and have been unemployed since my divorce six years ago. The state took away my driver's license - they do that in real life - and since then I can't prove I am who I am with financial institutions - or voting authorities, oddly enough. Cash is all I can deal with, and no matter how hard I stick cash into my computer, it doesn't go anywhere.

It guarantees no employer will hire me, and I've been in and out of jails and prisons about a dozen times, because I can't afford all the "contempt of court" trials. Yet I downloaded and contributed to his podcast since he started it, when I was married and owned businesses and could afford it, and it was a lot more than $2. That's right, you put the dollar sign in front of the number. I don't see any difference from me telling other people about his show and putting some episodes on a piece of media to encourage them to listen.

I've had his shows on a hard drive for more than 10 years. But some episodes I've been missing, and I'm glad I can finally hear the Punic Nightmares series once again. I think I did a lot more than you in giving the guy money when I could. But I thank the poster.

Don't like stuff "pirated"? What are you doing here then? Sod off.
