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ajshell1 | 22 points | May 16 2017 21:35:14

[Meta] When did the URL for Mega change from "mega.co.nz" to "mega.nz"? | Megalinks MegaDB [Meta] When did the URL for Mega change from "mega.co.nz" to "mega.nz"?

I've noticed that most of the older mega links I've found are "mega.co.nz", while all the newer ones are "mega.nz".

Does anyone know when this change took place, and why?


[-] TheDynamicHamza21 | 9 points | May 16 2017 21:58:26

After July 2015 when NZ government seized Kim Dotcom's shares in the company.


[-] [deleted] | 13 points | May 16 2017 23:39:16

It's worth noting that Kim Dotcom no longer has any control of the site and has warned others publicly not to trust those that do.


[-] generalecchi | -1 points | May 17 2017 04:38:49

lmao what the fuck her name is actually Dotcom ?


[-] [deleted] | 8 points | May 17 2017 04:57:07

He had his name legally changed to Dotcom, yes.


[-] generalecchi | -1 points | May 17 2017 05:28:12

lol but why ?


[-] Niquarl | 7 points | May 17 2017 05:35:48

He got riched from the financial speculation bubble dotcom I believe.


[-] Althalen | 5 points | May 17 2017 08:17:36

And he doesn't want you to google for "kimble" too much. You may stumble upon his fucked up history in the german scene.


[-] Silverlight42 | 2 points | May 17 2017 12:49:26

His name was Kim Kimble originally?? wow, that's some messed up parents.


[-] sdwtiutmvurtnn | 1 points | May 17 2017 17:29:18

Kim Schmitz IIRC. Kimble was just a nick.


[-] Althalen | 1 points | May 18 2017 06:33:12


It was Kim Schmitz.


[-] Niquarl | 0 points | May 17 2017 08:22:52

Oh heard about some stuff he did yeah.


[-] Griffinish | 3 points | May 17 2017 01:08:08

O man that was so embarrassing. Everyone here thought it was dumb and in the end the charges were dropped.


[-] ForceBlade | 1 points | May 16 2017 23:08:33

That's right, but they still both work {Today} so it's ok. There was probably some downtime originally with the primary domain because of that
