imadethistojackoff | 13 points
aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56LyMhMW5SMlFhaVEhWnl2ejYxbzBsQWdRRkRwazFEc1ZUOGYtVnAwbDJMRzliX2RBMHdPdkk1Yw== you know what to do bb
Enjoy :)
[-] GhostHawk666 | 0 points
How is it even possible that this show is on its 3rd season? I watched the first 4 episodes of season 1, and there were so many "Jump the Shark" moments I figured one-and-done.
Did the show's writers from the 1st season all get fired or what? Is that how it lives on?
[-] imadethistojackoff | 0 points
I have no idea. I am just watching it for completion sake.
Not sure why I keep watching either when I know and acknowledge how terrible it is...
[-] imadethistojackoff | 1 points
I do the same thing. Its kinda entertaining how bad it is though.
[-] SubZorro | 2 points | May 16 2017 09:07:39
Subtitles for this episode:
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