Sweet-J-Star | 61 points
K: !y28xTgXBFl9Q5RAx7iXKww
[Listed size in the NFO and my computer is 8.21 GB, but the website says that it's 8.22 GB.]
edited with working link 5/15
Darn, I thought maybe you were talking about the classic short films ("cartoons") from the 20th century (Mickey, Donald, etc.). Oh well...
[-] Sweet-J-Star | 4 points
Damn. I think this was a Blu-Ray released in about 2015 with the animation studio's recent theatrical shorts (I uploaded this for a request.)
Thank you!
[-] Sweet-J-Star | 2 points
No problem!
Looks like it's down
[-] Sweet-J-Star | 3 points
Oh damn, I'm going to try again...
[-] Sweet-J-Star | 5 points
It's down again, can you try again, if possible, please?
[-] Sweet-J-Star | 2 points
[-] Sweet-J-Star | 3 points
[-] JChackoFTP | 1 points
Anyone pickup the Diamond Collection can send me a link?
[-] ipaqmaster | 1 points
Somehow, that site is 100% dead. are you able to PM me the link or some alternate option for us?
Edit: The domain doesn't even resolve anymore, is this the death of 16mb.com?
[-] Sweet-J-Star | 2 points
oooh shit. I can PM you the link if you want! Perhaps the admin of the site will get to fixing it in the meantime.
[-] ipaqmaster | 1 points
Yeah I hope so!
A PM would be lovely :>
Would you mind sending it my way as well? Thanks!
[-] Sweet-J-Star | 1 points
Yeah, I wasn't having any luck getting it either.
[-] ipaqmaster | 1 points
megaprotector.16mb.com and the parent domain 16mb.com don't even resolve anymore.
Either the guy who owned/made it isn't paying for the domain anymore and it's been removed OR there's issues with the host
[-] Sweet-J-Star | 1 points
I might upload a new one because there's another protection service, but I'm still thinking about it...
Well, with the recent events Dizzy undergoing. Their radar may be set to ridiculous. Use Base64 to code links.
[-] Sweet-J-Star | 1 points
Call me out of the loop, but what's going on with them?
[-] [deleted] | 1 points
[-] Sweet-J-Star | 2 points
yes. my account was suspended. since re-uploading it might lead to an ip ban, i won't risk uploading it again....
does anyone here have it saved?
No longer available :(
[-] Sweet-J-Star | 1 points
sorry, it's been dead for a while...
any chance of a reup?
[-] Sweet-J-Star | 1 points
maybe if I ever get a VPN, but for now, no. sorry,
[-] [deleted] | -1 points
[-] C_McButterpants | 1 points
what do you mean trading?
[-] [deleted] | 0 points
I pm you a link you upload something I want and pm me the link (there's no risk this way since the 2 of us are the only ones with the links)
[-] CosmicTransmutation | 3 points
or just share it with the class bruh
[-] [deleted] | -3 points
You wanna buy me a vpn bruh?
[-] [deleted] | -2 points
Guess not, don't ask for a public upload from me then, don't feel like getting sued/risking mega accounts over people who have no intention of giving back
[-] [deleted] | 1 points
This link already went down twice in less than 24 hours, y on earth should I upload for y'all with no protection? How stupid do you think I am? Fuck I look like? Santa Claus? You ungrateful bastards should be thankful I offered the content at all. I see dudes like vcdupper get his shit taken down every week, if he didn't have protection he wouldn't be uploading shit for y'all. I can't afford a vpn, don't be a smartass cuz you wanna take take take without giving. Also being a rude wise ass to me in the comments certainly isn't gonna encourage me to upload for you either stupid.
[-] CosmicTransmutation | 1 points
[-] lawpetex | 3 points | May 13 2017 16:26:40
Thank you for re-upping these again and again.
[-] Sweet-J-Star | 2 points | May 13 2017 18:34:48
No problem!