_Letum_ | 18 points
[-] Bjarkwelle69 | 1 points
Thanks for this! Do you have other Star Wars Ebooks? I would really appreciate it.
https://www.reddit.com/r/megalinks/comments/64ur4v/ebooks_star_wars_thrawn_by_timothy_zahn_various. I can get more later.
[-] Bjarkwelle69 | 1 points
Looking at your submission history, you seem to possess a lot of comics. Where do you get them if you don't mind me asking? I've been wanting to get into comic book reading but I don't have the finances to do so.
[-] TheBeesKnees696969 | 1 points
Thanks a bunch Letum!
[-] _Letum_ | 3 points | May 11 2017 03:24:14