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megathrowawaytrp | 44 points | May 01 2017 18:25:04

[Movie/Documentary] The Red Pill (3.65 GB) | Megalinks MegaDB [Movie/Documentary] The Red Pill (3.65 GB)

You know the drill



Really worth the watch


[-] [deleted] | 19 points | May 01 2017 23:09:49



[-] is_it_fun | 18 points | May 02 2017 01:30:18

If you want a documentary about a guy who can't get laid I'll film one about myself for you.


[-] sxtk776 | 9 points | May 01 2017 23:32:31

A feminist filmmaker followed a bunch of MRAs around while trying to discover why they hate women and can't get laid, only to accidentally get redpilled.


[-] cawkstrangla | 10 points | May 02 2017 01:11:30

Sort of. She doesn't get redpilled in the same sense that she'd believe everything TheRedpill subreddit stands for. She just declares that she can't call herself a Feminist anymore, at least by today's standards for Feminism. She essentially becomes an egalitarian.


[-] imadethistojackoff | 4 points | May 02 2017 02:34:21

Still got red pilled though in the matrix sense. She had her eyes opened.


[-] themundanematt | 9 points | May 01 2017 20:34:34

This pops up on Hulu in a few days. Please wait to watch it there so it supports Cassie Jaye (the director)


[-] gaythor | 2 points | May 02 2017 17:31:37

why would this get downvoted?....


[-] chagmed | 8 points | May 01 2017 21:03:16

Thanks for the upload.

Background music during interviews is unneccessary and distracting.

Edit: finished watching. The music issue notwithstanding, a film worth watching. It may change the way you think about a lot of things.


[-] jodorowsthesky | 2 points | May 01 2017 21:57:55

That's because it is non-educational but follows an agenda


[-] flomeista | 8 points | May 01 2017 22:32:59

If you liked it, consider buying it to support the makers


[-] bosq | 4 points | May 02 2017 09:06:35

I smell bullshit...anyone smell bullshit?


[-] lydiabhanning | 5 points | May 02 2017 22:47:14

No. It's probably your upper lip.


[-] bosq | 2 points | May 08 2017 11:08:20

Which is unbelievable stiff. Stiffer than any dick your family's lineage ever has been.


[-] lydiabhanning | 5 points | May 12 2017 18:25:20

Wow, a cuck that can barely speak English. How cute. Those feminists still hate you, by the way. No amount of white knighting will change their minds.


[-] bosq | 2 points | Jun 05 2017 21:03:52

My English is better than your's, trollboi


[-] lydiabhanning | 2 points | Jun 05 2017 21:04:37

No it isn't. I'm a woman, by the way.


[-] OtokonokoAnalNioiFan | 1 points | Jun 05 2017 21:05:12

Yeah? Why don't you shut up then? I don't remember allowing women to speak


[-] lydiabhanning | 2 points | Jun 05 2017 21:06:08

Mmmm, no. I don't need your permission for anything. I do what I want.


[-] jaggedcliffkeep | 3 points | May 01 2017 18:47:39

you're doing gods work, friend. thank you.


[-] [deleted] | 3 points | May 02 2017 00:11:18



[-] imadethistojackoff | 10 points | May 02 2017 02:33:35

Yes actually. It is probably the best documentary about the Men's Rights Movement and its made by a feminist. It highlights the trouble with feminism and how they seem to ignore the real issues when it comes to mens rights.


[-] gaythor | 8 points | May 02 2017 17:29:34

"men's rights movement" wtf????


[-] imadethistojackoff | 2 points | May 02 2017 20:14:57

Yes https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Men's_rights_movement


[-] imadethistojackoff | 3 points | May 02 2017 02:35:12

love this documentary


[-] DamTheTorpedoes1864 | 2 points | May 02 2017 00:46:06

Any chance of uploading this in a format that'd reduce on the file size to say 1GB or under?


[-] chlywly | 1 points | May 05 2017 16:50:16

Can someone please post a normal link?


[-] lydiabhanning | 1 points | Jun 07 2017 16:07:56

So many butt hurt feminazis here.
