Aj-Mega | 17 points
Paste the encoded text into www.base64decode.org and press decode to get the mega link.
[-] imadethistojackoff | 10 points
Fuck this racist show
The salt is strong in this one.
[-] imadethistojackoff | 1 points
A tad
[-] Frodo_Bomb | 9 points
Anyone have the movie?
[-] musicaldigger | 4 points
thanks for this! one of the best netflix original series in a long time.
Vital historical artifact. People are going to wonder how this ever could have happened.
I'll pass on this racist horseshit from these precious snowflakes who seem to still have a slavery-victim mindset.
[-] musicaldigger | 9 points
lol you think you're some clever genius but you're literally an internet bully calling people faggots wtf is wrong with you
[-] musicaldigger | 7 points
okay but seriously though leave me alone
kthanksbro. couldn't have survived another day without your scintillating input.
found the racist and/or dumbass
How so? I just find it sad that you have nothing better to do than hate on a show which has nothing to do with you.
Obligatory: Triggered, much?
[-] [deleted] | 0 points
I'll pass
Reading comprehension no es bueno.
Feel free to prove I'm wrong if otherwise.
[-] TriHard_1488 | 10 points | Apr 29 2017 21:56:07
It's racist towards White people and I will not watch it...but thanks for the filler.
[-] ThotBox | 9 points | May 01 2017 19:53:29
Or maybe your the type of white person the film/show is talking about.
[-] iBobRoss | 2 points | May 02 2017 09:40:05