halolordkiller3 | 77 points
It seems like I'm getting a ton of requests for the google drive link, I will provide, I'm just cloning it to another $5 one I just bought which won't take long at all. Again though, is there an easy way for you guys to download something from google drive like jdownloader or?
If the moderators don't mind I'll post a link to google-drive
I currently have over 12TB of movies and TV shows all properly named, organized, 1080p (720 for some as they were not made in 1080 along with some 360/480 for older content) and would like to share it with everyone.
The problem is uploading it to mega. I have it all stored on my unlimited google drive and wouldn't mind sharing from there but this is megalinks and was wondering if the uploaders are actually paying for mega or found some loophole to go beyond the free 50GB storage. Let me know would love to share! 1080p+ for life!
Found a way to do mega. I'll post both to mega and google most likely this weekend so keep an eye out ;)
[-] Cartmanishere | 6 points
Some of the uploaders do pay for MEGA. But most, including me, just create multiple accounts and partition uploads into 50GB parts.
As for uploading from GDrive to MEGA, you can use multcloud.com. But the free version is really slow if you've got large data transfers and often unreliable.
If you have access to unlimited internet, you can just download and reupload. If not, then you can get a cheap VPS and do it from there. It's not hard to find a VPS with unmetered connection just for copying content.
[-] halolordkiller3 | 2 points
Dam I feel like creating those accounts would take forever
[-] Cartmanishere | 6 points
There are ways to automate the account creation process. Maybe /u/swedish_drems could help you with it.
I had my own script but the temporary mail service I was using shut down recently and I haven't figured out a different one yet.
[-] halolordkiller3 | 2 points
would gmx.com work?
[-] Cartmanishere | 2 points
It would work for signup but to automate the process you need access to the API. I don't know if gmx.com has something like that. I used to utilize temp-mail API for automation but they shut down the public use of their API.
[-] douhaveanygreypoupon | 2 points
VPS does seem like the best option but nobody seems to have or wants to pay for one. It'd make uploading a hell of a lot easier.
[-] SpatialWheel | 6 points
could you pm me a link to access the google drive? I don't mind if it's not from mega.
[-] 1138bladerunner | 2 points
me too
[-] [deleted] | 2 points
[-] Andermd1213 | 1 points
Same here! Thanks!
[-] IgnoreMyName | 1 points
Por favor. Gracias.
[-] Frodo_Bomb | 1 points
[-] DavidBobEvans | 0 points
me five thanks!
[-] Bad____Wolf | 0 points
Me too please!
[-] randomfa933 | 0 points
yes please
[-] [deleted] | 0 points
I'll jump in on getting a link if possible 😁
[-] gadgetzombie | 0 points
Me too please!
[-] SunnanGnomen | 0 points
me too :)
[-] PressureCereal | 0 points
me too thanks
[-] clitorides | 0 points
Me too please!
[-] njudnarine | 5 points
Just gonna +1 here as well for a link if possible! It's awesome that you guys take the time out to gather all this stuff and share it. Appreciate it bud!
[-] starbuck93 | 4 points
I guess the most popular loophole is to create like 100 accounts with a script. Otherwise, have you used MultCloud? It's been talked about here a few times.
[-] [deleted] | 4 points
I have a 30mb internet connection and Google Drive is the only place where I can download at 22 mb/s. It's amazing.
I download from Google Drive usin Internet Download Manager
[-] Bodyguard121 | 1 points
Mega is pretty fast too for me without any limits when I use megadownloader but my internet is barely 5 mb/s so I get that its not really the same thing.
How much can you get with Mega?
[-] jaywalker32 | 3 points
As long as your posts also includes a mega link to what you're sharing that would be fine.
[-] halolordkiller3 | 6 points
so a megalink to a text file that has the google drive link? :P lol
Ummmmm no
[-] halolordkiller3 | 9 points
I was kidding
[-] dude_is_here | 3 points
EDIT: Also what would you guys use to download from google drive anyways?
RClone works great. It's a command-line program, but those who are terrible with command-lines (aka me), there's a thing called RClone browser which is essentially a GUI for RClone.
[-] coolniceokoh | 3 points
Hey man I would love to have the link. Thanks for your patience in uploading. I'll stay updated.
[-] rafik12342 | 1 points
Me too :P
[-] dude_is_here | 2 points
Damn, this would be great. The mods don't allow any other sites other than Mega, so feel free to post this on r/gdrivelinks or even r/fullmoviesongoogle works too. I'll be constantly checking these subs, thank you!
We encourage posting on /r/gdrivelinks only if you have an .edu account because its unlimited
[-] halolordkiller3 | 1 points
Sadly mines not .edu
use a throwaway account with a vpn ... they probably keeps good logs so dont risk uploading anything too hot like g.o.t episodes and sharing till takedown ... edu accounts can be bought on fiverr or ebay that are from universities from different countries like India or Pakistan, they dont cost too much either so they seem better ... still google and unlimited gdrive space
[-] dudeman135426 | 2 points
Hell yeah. Do you know when we should expect it? You're the fucking greatest.
[-] fireblaze426 | 2 points
any word on the mega account?
[-] thisisjustatrial | 1 points
Would love a link to this! I am extremely interested
[-] 316Austin316 | 1 points
IDM downloads from google drive pretty fast. Please keep us updated
I've always wondered that as well: how did people upload stuff larger than 50GBs? Did they pay
I know an easy way to get 100GB on free is to get two 50GBs and import one into the other
Would love to see that Google drive too. I've got about 4.5 tb of stuff I'd see about sharing if I have something you want/need lol
[-] fireblaze426 | 1 points
i would like a link as well!
[-] GeneralPickleton | 1 points
Off topic, but how do you even transfer that much data really quickly? Is there an import button like on mega? If so, I'm VERY interested.
[-] halolordkiller3 | 1 points
Google cloud compute. Aka make a google VPS and transfer using rclone. Since it's internal it's 400MBps
[-] Cartmanishere | 2 points
Out of curiosity, what instance did you make on cloud compute to get 400MBps speeds? I only got upto 25 MBytes/s at most while doing the same.
[-] halolordkiller3 | 2 points
Increase the transfer flag to like 100 since it can handle that many at once. Try 30 as an example and you'll see about 200MBps
[-] Cartmanishere | 1 points
What were the instance specifications because I don't think f1-micro or 1.7GB instances can handle that load.
[-] halolordkiller3 | 1 points
well again mine was on google cloud compute and they have a dedicated 1Gbps up and down for their VPS's. Pulling from amazon got me at most 100MBps, but going from google drive to google drive since its all internal I was hitting 500MBps. The specs are basic as hell, 1VCPU and like 2GB of RAM if that
[-] Cartmanishere | 1 points
OK thanks. I'll try that out.
[-] TreesOfLeisure | 1 points
Would love it if you're sharing via PM
[-] Clouddevil666 | 1 points
Link plz .. i got 1 terra for trade
I would love a pm to the link. thanks so much for sharing so much with us all!
[-] McShortenstein | 1 points
Would love to check it out
my internet download faster from google drive than mega, i would love the link man.
[-] coolniceokoh | 1 points
[-] halolordkiller3 | 3 points
still adding stuff. I'm waiting till the spring shows are done so I can have complete seasons
[-] dudeman135426 | 1 points
Do you care uploading it now and update it with the shows?
[-] quantumflux1 | 1 points
Hey! do you think you can message me the google drive or mega link? Thank you!
[-] Account4578 | 0 points
I would appreciate a link to that drive, thanks!
[-] captainnucleya | 0 points
I would like a link to your stuff .
[-] blake1990 | 7 points | Apr 28 2017 14:24:13
this sounds awesome and i wouldnt mind getting stuff from google drive either. thanks man.