samuelcseto | 117 points
Public link | Combine M+K
K: !rDif538wA3Z0_9civP0rTROKbq7KKGAa7cwJuzSua44
[-] Openmindeo | 2 points
Hey, thanks for this! There is one similar about Java that you can upload?
[-] AnkitIndia | 1 points
[-] MrHimAgain | 1 points
[-] BootywReckR | 1 points
how to download?
[-] samuelcseto | 1 points
combine M+K after mega url
[-] SelfImprovement96 | 1 points
Hi guys, after i download, the files only shows 1 module which i am unable to open. May I know what am I doing wrong? Thanks in advance!
[-] [deleted] | 1 points
Unrar the file.
[-] [deleted] | 1 points
12.5h of video but only 2GB?
[-] samuelcseto | 1 points
no idea how is that possible but yeah, there's everything.
[-] [deleted] | 1 points
Maybe it's not been updated? Are you sure every video is in there?
Sorry for being annoying but it's important :)
[-] samuelcseto | 1 points
I did not count them, but it looks like there is everything.
[-] [deleted] | 1 points
Yeah seems like there's everything. The real size is 3.6GB when uncompressed.
The videos are 1080p but the reason for the low size is low video (320Kbps) and audio (84Kbps) bitrate. It's still very watchable if anyone's wondering.
Thanks samuelcseto :)
could you please upload the following course: The complete Android O Kotlin Developer course, Created by Hussein Al Rubaye. It would be of great help.thank you
It asks me for a pass to unrar. Did you put something?
[-] samuelcseto | 2 points
[-] nilaygupta13 | 1 points
how to download?
[-] [deleted] | 1 points
Assemble the link. First do then the M string and then K string of characters. No spaces.
[-] [deleted] | 1 points
Do you have the course files? Dude mentions them a lot.
[-] Siddhant2611 | 1 points
how to download this and what is the meaning of combine m + k
[-] samuelcseto | 1 points
Thank you very much for the contribution! Can you give me the technical data?
[-] samuelcseto | 5 points
technical data of what?
[-] filmort | 12 points | Apr 09 2017 14:30:27
Has anyone done this course and can say how it compares to the many free resources available online?
[-] [deleted] | 3 points | Apr 10 2017 03:08:24
[-] IcefrogIsDead | 1 points | Apr 10 2017 04:41:22
Im sorry, can you repeat
[-] [deleted] | 2 points | Apr 10 2017 04:45:45
[-] IcefrogIsDead | 1 points | Apr 10 2017 04:52:15
thats the info i wanted, thanks!
[-] [deleted] | 1 points | May 25 2017 13:52:40
What info? He was deleted, could you repeat what he said? :)
[-] IcefrogIsDead | 2 points | May 25 2017 14:29:43
can't remember, sorry
[-] [deleted] | 1 points | May 25 2017 17:57:42
Did you download it? How was it if you tried it?
[-] IcefrogIsDead | 1 points | May 25 2017 18:31:57
nah i didnt for some reason cant really remember
[-] [deleted] | 1 points | May 25 2017 18:32:47
"Meh I'll start on Monday" probably.
[-] IcefrogIsDead | 1 points | May 25 2017 18:39:57
Maybe the comment turned me off. Also I like to read docs and books about a programming language. Best way to learn. Videos are okay too, but you end up just copying stuff that the presenter is doing without much involvement.
But yea, I have those 'ill start tomorrow' moments too :D
[-] Glitch_100 | 2 points | Apr 09 2017 16:57:47
RemindMe! 1 day