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Mortos3 | 43 points | Mar 02 2017 10:18:48

[ANIME] Berserk (1997)[Bluray][x264][1080p][36.5GB] | Megalinks MegaDB [ANIME] Berserk (1997)[Bluray][x264][1080p][36.5GB]

base64: aHR0cDovL2xpbmtzLnNuYWhwLml0LzgyN2JlcnNlcms5Nw==

Jap+Eng audio/Eng subs


[-] sleeplessnight234 | 2 points | Mar 02 2017 23:07:51

Never heard of this anime before, but damn I already watched the 1st episodes its good, thanks a ton Mortos3


[-] Mortos3 | 3 points | Mar 02 2017 23:28:48

If you like Berserk then definitely check out the manga it's based on. This series only covers the first 13 volumes or so of the manga, out of 38 total (and the author is still publishing new chapters, albeit at a slower pace).


[-] infaader | 1 points | Mar 04 2017 17:19:31

deleted ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.1326 ^^^What ^^^is ^^^this?


[-] Mortos3 | 2 points | Mar 04 2017 17:31:59

Yeah it is about average quality for anime, nothing special.

They'd have to simplify things in an adaptation anyways though, because the scope of story and type of detailed artwork in the manga is insane. That or hire the very top notch studio and director, which would probably be expensive. People like Kawajiri Yoshiaki, Otomo Katsuhiro, or Rintaro (who have all directed highly detailed and well-animated productions of dark and violent stories), together with a major studio like Madhouse or Production IG, might be able to do it justice.


[-] infaader | 1 points | Mar 04 2017 19:24:22

deleted ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.6476 ^^^What ^^^is ^^^this?


[-] Mortos3 | 1 points | Mar 04 2017 19:52:37

It really is a shame, especially after waiting so long for another anime series adaptation. I've only seen bits and pieces of the new series but that's enough for me to stay far away from it. This video summarizes it pretty well:



[-] choolete | 1 points | Mar 02 2017 12:44:35

Thank you!


[-] kolt54321 | 1 points | Mar 02 2017 18:34:36

Thanks a ton!


[-] [deleted] | 1 points | Mar 02 2017 19:08:10

hell fucking yea


[-] crovean | 1 points | Mar 02 2017 21:28:39

you actually rock, big thanks.


[-] wognessmonster | 1 points | Mar 03 2017 12:17:13

have you got the new season?


[-] Mortos3 | 1 points | Mar 03 2017 23:20:22

No, here are some torrents for it though:



