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megapiratelinks | 28 points | Feb 23 2017 05:28:43

[TV] Vsauce - Mind Field [4K] episodes are uploaded has they are released (ep 1-7 so far) - credit to /u/lonegamy | Megalinks MegaDB [TV] Vsauce - Mind Field [4K] episodes are uploaded has they are released (ep 1-7 so far) - credit to /u/lonegamy


Just in case you didn't know about it. credit goes to /u/lonegamy, since he is the uploader. Thank him, not me


[-] mentionhelper | 3 points | Feb 23 2017 05:29:13

It looks like you're trying to mention another user, which only works if it's done in the comments like this (otherwise they don't receive a notification):

^I'm ^a ^bot. ^Bleep. ^Bloop. ^| ^Visit ^/r/mentionhelper ^for ^discussion/feedback ^| ^Want ^to ^be ^left ^alone? ^Reply ^to ^this ^message ^with ^"stop"
