Mortos3 | 46 points
link: .nz/#F!5BFXVA7b
key: !p36POPR4zOzqC_JMYlhI_Q
Jap audio/Eng subs
Includes an interview with director Otomo Katsuhiro.
Steamline or Pioneer dub?
the Pioneer dub is what I grew up on but high quality pioneer versions aren't that easy to come by.
[-] MassiveBallacks | 1 points
Do you know which dub is better? I'm thinking of remuxing a dub into this one.
1080p x264 plz
Also, I've heard a little about muxing can you explain more or link a good guide :)
Muxing is pretty simple, just grab mkvtoolnix and drop your files into the program, select which audio tracks, subs, etc. you want to keep, and then tell it to start muxing.
deleted ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.6016 ^^^What ^^^is ^^^this?
[-] [deleted] | 1 points
Thank you so much!
[-] aeclasik | 3 points | Feb 16 2017 23:43:51
Is this better than THORA version?
[-] Mortos3 | 3 points | Feb 16 2017 23:56:39
Haven't done a comparison, I don't know. This is REVO's rip
[-] [deleted] | 1 points | Jul 08 2017 13:58:35
Yes, REVO is a god of encoding, THORA's rip is good but this rip is godlike. Chances are if there's a REVO encode it's the best version. This is true for every single Ghibli film REVO's released and is also true for the Cowboy Bebop movie.