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achimba | 66 points | Feb 11 2017 15:44:08

[meta] understanding megalinks | Megalinks MegaDB [meta] understanding megalinks

All links in this subreddit are related to the hosting service at mega.nz. This is what /r/megalinks is all about. megalinks are links to content hosted by mega.nz.

megalinks can be broken down into three separate pieces:

1) base URL

2) 'link'

3) encryption 'key'

The first part of a megalink is the base URL. The base URL is always 'https://mega.nz/'. Your browser will probably take you there even if you only type in 'mega.nz/'. You can also get there by IP address ''. The point is that the links should always be to content hosted on mega.nz.

The second part of a megalink is the 'link'. The link is the lookup code that mega assigned to the content when they hosted it. The link often starts with a # and looks like some random numbers and letters. It is some random numbers and letters but mega.nz knows what those particular ones mean. When a file is uploaded to mega.nz they assign it a hashed value which is the link they give to the user. Example: I upload a file named 'really_cool.must_watch.2017.720p.mkv' to mega.nz. mega.nz responds, cool bro, we got it, that file now has this link '#123ExAmPlE'.

The third part of a megalink is the encryption 'key'. You can only access content on megalinks if you have the encryption key. For all practical purposes you can think of the encryption key as the password to access the content which the megalink is pointing to. Like the 'link', the encryption key looks like some random numbers and letters and it usually starts with a ! character.

Put these three pieces together and you have a working megalink. Now to quickly review, a megalink starts with 'https://mega.nz/' or 'mega.nz/', because you know, it is a megalink. Then add the 'link'. Finally add the 'key'.

Here is an example of a full megalink:


You only have to click on this kind of link, everything is included for you, and there is no homework.

Here is an example of a megalink without the base URL:


This one is missing the base URL. So what do you do? Yes, that's right, just add mega.nz/ to the beginning. It would look like this: mega.nz/#!5MgCwTaK!WjOueNrFluT6aw0dFVyazLFzhAM9RibyS8EBJS7jkcE

Here is an example of a megalink where the 'link' and 'key' are separated:

link: #F!jxMEBKBL

key: !3q-Mvt0-CMIL3YyRqrGLVg

This one is missing the base URL and it is broken into pieces. Oh noes! Whatever do I do? Just put it together. First you need the base URL 'mega.nz/', then you add on the'link', and then you add the 'key'. It would look like this: 'mega.nz/#F!jxMEBKBL!3q-Mvt0-CMIL3YyRqrGLVg'

Here is an example of a complex megalink:

#!{7 - 2}MgCwTaK!WjOueNrFluT{9 - 4 + 1}aw0dFVyazLFzhAM9RibyS8EBJS7jkcE

First is it missing the base URL so we will have to add 'mega.nz/' to the beginning.

mega.nz/#!{7 - 2}MgCwTaK!WjOueNrFluT{9 - 4 + 1}aw0dFVyazLFzhAM9RibyS8EBJS7jkcE

Next the poster has asked us to perform some math. 7-2=5. 9-4+1=6. We are asked to substitute the math problems with the answers.

mega.nz/#!{ 5 }MgCwTaK!WjOueNrFluT{ 6 }aw0dFVyazLFzhAM9RibyS8EBJS7jkcE


And there it is. To assemble a megalink you may be prompted to do some math, replace some characters, or simply add mega. Use that big old brain of yours.

You can deconstruct the megalink to by breaking it into the three pieces. Given this megalink: 'https://mega.nz/#!F0BVQQIC!APhVwABwiP7coXrvfhFlfgCiL9gAwvjV3DrI-X67Bzk)'

base URL = 'https://mega.nz/'

'link' = '#!F0BVQQIC'

'key' = '!APhVwABwiP7coXrvfhFlfgCiL9gAwvjV3DrI-X67Bzk)'

First and foremost remember that this is /r/megalinks and all of the links located here are supposed to be links to mega.nz. So if you see only parts of a megalink do not worry. You just need to put the pieces together. You got this. I believe in you. Just add mega.


[-] filmort | 45 points | Feb 11 2017 16:43:28

Such a long-winded post for a topic that doesn't really need much explanation, if any.


[-] garifunu | 14 points | Feb 11 2017 17:03:48

What about people new to megalinks?


[-] filmort | 16 points | Feb 11 2017 17:06:21

It would probably take less time to figure out through context than it would to read this post.

Even if this topic required explanation, it could be done so much more succinctly.


[-] bigbrohypno | 4 points | Feb 11 2017 19:30:28

We should just have a template like:
link (paste after 'mega.nz)
key (paste in the obvious place to paste it you fucking retards)


[-] jackreachertt | 2 points | Feb 12 2017 01:44:35

true, but remember not everyone would catch the explanation on the individual posts, and people don't have the same level of understanding...


[-] penaltylvl | 2 points | Feb 12 2017 05:26:44

I had no idea the links to megalinks worked the way OP's post stated. I guess I just got lucky with my links having everything. I found this very informative for the future, and appreciate OP's post.


[-] Mortos3 | 13 points | Feb 11 2017 18:26:44

I disagree, I think it would be good to put this in wiki/sidebar/sticky post or something. Would save some explanation and allow uploaders to just post however they're going to post without newcomers getting confused.

edit: although it could probably be more succinct, yes


[-] Hondalol1 | 1 points | Feb 11 2017 16:57:13



[-] jaykhunter | 8 points | Feb 11 2017 21:46:24

I'm fine with complex links although it's more of a hassle on phones/tablets but I'd be even happier if this forum went private!


[-] thenicob | 2 points | Feb 12 2017 10:18:00

and how to declare whos allowed in a private subreddit and whos not?


[-] jaykhunter | 2 points | Feb 12 2017 14:32:17

Everyone would be allowed! The point would be that posts are not publicly indexable. Like I can google search and find KOTH S2 web-dls from r/megalinks -- meaning copyright holders can too. Private forum is a layer of security and would keep links up for longer.


[-] thenicob | 1 points | Feb 12 2017 16:06:04

if you allow everyone that you are automatically allowing copyright holders as well. so private doesn't help.


[-] jaykhunter | 2 points | Feb 12 2017 16:36:12

Copyright holders (or rather, their interns) literally search for pirate links, most likely by googling scene release names. If r/megalinks doesn't show up in their search, it will stay up longer. Of course, this would be fruitless if a copyright holder was part of r/megalinks; but considering there's a lot of different copyright holders, I'd wager almost all of them wouldn't be part of this subreddit. Does that make sense?


[-] thenicob | 1 points | Feb 12 2017 16:43:05

well yeah I know what you mean, but it wouldnt make a huge difference. it actually has been discussed over and over again. private is too much work.


[-] Plugitinmrshulgin | 1 points | Feb 12 2017 05:36:22

yes, if this place were private it would compensate for the trouble i go through on my tablet.


[-] yosman712 | 6 points | Feb 11 2017 20:15:30

As this subreddit grows I think this post serves many who are confused/new and save any annoyances from veteran users.


[-] BloodHawkDarkWolf | 5 points | Feb 12 2017 02:07:34

Thanks for making this, it's very useful and will help a lot of people!

I'm sorry people are stupid enough to downvote something useful that you took time to make and post, and I'm sorry the top response is people being rude and unnecessarily critical.

A lot of people in this subreddit have a real tendency to be, well, fucking shitty, if I can be honest about it. A lot of people here assume (incorrectly) that everyone knows as much about technology as they do, they look down on anyone who knows less than them, and are shitty and condescending about it. There's a lot of elitism here, and the sub would be 100% better without it.

When I first found this subreddit I had never heard of mega, and had never used encryption or decryption of data in any form. I would have loved to have a guide like this. Not everyone in the world has been torrenting and file sharing since they were in diapers. People forget this, or just don't think at all.

So again, thanks for making this! Most people here appreciate it, even if some really rude people don't.


[-] thenicob | 2 points | Feb 12 2017 10:21:38

they arent being a dick. they are simply saying, that you couldve shorten this tutorial, which is true. additionally, I agree; people who find their way to this subreddit assumingly have a certain technology knowledge with which they should easily figure out how to use the links.

generally, this tutorial is too long. that's the criticism.


[-] tyleralderiondurden | 2 points | Feb 12 2017 07:49:41

mega for dummies


[-] IAmBrando | 1 points | Feb 11 2017 20:46:56

Thank you for that. My question is if you make an account why does the download timeout still apply? thus rendering the service useless.


[-] Mortos3 | 3 points | Feb 11 2017 21:33:29

There are tips and tricks and 3rd party programs that get around a lot of MEGA's restrictions, just ask around here. Others are more knowledgeable about it than I.


[-] Bodyguard121 | 1 points | Feb 11 2017 21:50:51

Try the program megadownloader.


[-] [deleted] | 1 points | Feb 12 2017 02:41:44

Compared to my tutorial in my post, this is too long...


[-] predalien33 | 1 points | Feb 13 2017 06:49:10

this is perfect post for people who are new to the sub. be smart to sticky this.


[-] age_of_cage | -10 points | Feb 11 2017 18:37:54

"complex" links should be fucking banned. They're just a step too far.


[-] 98waffles | 15 points | Feb 11 2017 20:42:13

You are getting free movies and other content. If you don't want to take one minute to put a link together then get your shit somewhere else.


[-] jackandjill22 | 1 points | Feb 11 2017 21:10:51

This. Sidebar material.


[-] age_of_cage | -5 points | Feb 11 2017 20:53:31

Nah, I'll pass fair comment about shitty link protection methods, thanks.


[-] greatflicks | 1 points | Feb 11 2017 20:55:18

I agree. Adding the do the math and subtract the remainder to reverse the letters etc etc blah blah is too much.


[-] thenicob | 3 points | Feb 12 2017 10:22:50

then move somewhere else? lazy ass.
