starbuck93 | 42 points
text and paste it in a base64 decoder like this
1080p x264 aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLmNvLm56LyMhMDQ4VlNaWkshX1hnN2EwalpPaHpYdGJqODlBV1NDbE42ZXYtblpLWkZTRklFTnVuTmNXOA0K
720p x264 aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLmNvLm56LyMhYzVVV0FCSmIhcHpnZXUyX1R4ZTdUT0ZERDc3M1d5blU1cGdUdldjbG40Q2hTR19pcUdUaw==
1080p HEVC x265 aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLmNvLm56LyMhUWdjQTNaNlEhak9fZHB4UDFKWDdNR1FPQnF2OThvRmhtRExYal9NZWVxSE5xYzZrMGVCMA==
720p x265 aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLmNvLm56LyMheGtFQUdZalEhckJFWkk0RXlMbk05Vno5RU5BZlQ5dWM3SGFVZjBzSnVobmMxZFlfMW04Yw==
Will be updating with
1080p | Megalinks MegaDB 1080p x264 6GB & x265 1.4GB.The.Grand.Tour.S01E13.
720p | Megalinks MegaDB 720p.WEBRip.X264 | Megalinks MegaDB X264-DEFLATE.mkv (3.2GB)Link Died
720p | Megalinks MegaDB 720p.webrip.hevc.x265 | Megalinks MegaDB hevc.x265.rmteam.mkv (537MB)Link Died
Edit 1: the.grand.tour.s01e13.
1080p | Megalinks MegaDB 1080p.webrip.hevc.x265 | Megalinks MegaDB hevc.x265.rmteam.mkvLink Died
Edit 2: The.Grand.Tour.S01E13.
1080p | Megalinks MegaDB 1080p.WEBRip.X264 | Megalinks MegaDB X264-DEFLATE[ettv].mkvLink Died
Edit 3: will be updating new links.
Got episode 12??, other links are dead.
[-] BaconSpaceProgram | 3 points
Yeah, clue me in if anyone still has S01E12. They're all dead.
[-] Send_Me_Rice | 2 points
Edit: Links were from psarips
[-] nerdherdering | 2 points
Good on you, Man!
The.Grand.Tour.S01E13.720p.WEBRip.X264-DEFLATE | Megalinks MegaDB The.Grand.Tour.S01E13.720p.WEBRip.X264-DEFLATE -1 CD
- Download SubtitleThe.Grand.Tour.S01E13.Past v Future.WEBRip.X264-DEFLATE | Megalinks MegaDB The.Grand.Tour.S01E13.Past v Future.WEBRip.X264-DEFLATE -1 CD
- Download SubtitleThe.Grand.Tour.S01E13.720p.WEBRip.X264-DEFLATEovieName.1970.720p.x264.YIFY | Megalinks MegaDB The.Grand.Tour.S01E13.720p.WEBRip.X264-DEFLATEovieName.1970.720p.x264.YIFY -1 CD
- Download SubtitleThe.Grand.Tour.S01E13.Past Vs Future.720p.WEBRip.X264-DEFLATE | Megalinks MegaDB The.Grand.Tour.S01E13.Past Vs Future.720p.WEBRip.X264-DEFLATE -1 CD
- Download Subtitle
^This ^list ^of ^subtitles ^are ^taken ^from ^ ^| ^For ^feedback ^or ^suggestions ^contact ^/u/indigo6alpha
[-] koopadekid | 1 points
The 1080p links are down FeelsBadMan. Would love a re-upload
[-] starbuck93 | 4 points
I got bombed by Mega last night. I'm reuploading now.
[-] koopadekid | 1 points
that sucks man, thanks for the re-upload thought I'm looking forward to it
[-] starbuck93 | 3 points
Alright it's up... for now lol
[-] koopadekid | 3 points
thanks man I really appreciate it!
[-] Pantsonheadugly | 1 points
Oooh, I like the idea of using the encoding to obfuscate things.
[-] starbuck93 | 2 points
They haven't gone back down yet... Lol.
Can somebody reupload all episodes? I know it's hard, but searching on megalinks most previous episodes seems to have been taken down :(
[-] starbuck93 | 1 points
What kind of quality were you looking for?
Did this ever get posted somewhere? I don't care about quality.
[-] starbuck93 | 1 points
I can do it on Sunday night or so
[-] starbuck93 | 1 points
[-] [deleted] | 1 points
where can I get the key to access x264 1080P please
[-] starbuck93 | 1 points
Paste this into the website in the OP:
[-] brownix001 | 4 points | Feb 04 2017 02:07:44
Awesome work. Been waiting all day for this. Thanks.