vcdupper | 87 points
Well Fuck! Didn't last an hour!
[-] Valar_Morghulis7 | 4 points
yeah that is incredible
I have a hater, pretty sure it's personal
[-] Valar_Morghulis7 | 5 points
lol seems so. What a clown
Sorry guys it looks like no matter how many drives you back up to now when they hit 1 they are all gone, even if you unlink the files after import, so I have to reup all over, so this 1 will be re-upped after the MCU is finished re-upping..
Thanks so much for the movies! Quick question. Will these look ok on a bigger screen TV. I downloaded the rar files, and extracted them. When I opened them up on my computer the resolution wasn't too good for me. Thanks again for sharing! It is indeed caring.
[-] MsHartline | 3 points
Thank you!!! I tried the new link. Worked great. I was able to quickly get stuff imported to my account and there they are! I have them available for whenever. It's great. I will have MBTS downloaded shortly and can forget about this crawling OD download. Thank you again.
Is it me, or is the audio in "5ILENCE" screwy and off?
[-] noscienter | 1 points
I was going to ask the same; M by the C is the same; can't fix it with a simple audio shift delay because the audio delay drifts (vs shifts) from start to end; I haven't seen this happen in a couple years, I think I used to extract the wav from the avi, then some complicated re-encoding process, but I'm hoping someone ups a original proper rip.
[-] megalinks_only2 | 2 points
[-] Day_day_69 | 2 points
U suck to the hater.
[-] Valar_Morghulis7 | 1 points
already down?
New link up top
[-] Valar_Morghulis7 | 6 points
u the man, no troll can hold u down
[-] MsHartline | 1 points
Thank you very much for your prompt and gracious response. It makes sense. I tried something similar but kept having to fight with my browser extension because Mega tries to keep me logged in to my account. I finally temporarily disabled my extension and cleared the last hour of browsing history.
Unfortunately, I am getting the message that the link was either removed by them or you. Thank you so much anyway. The only screener I wanted is Manchester by the Sea. I am dling from an open directory but it's so slow, it's barely alive.
[-] NinjaDreamMountain | 1 points
Thanks for the upload. Great collection
[-] [deleted] | 1 points
Dead again will fix after football.
[-] grapes4toes | 2 points
You're a champ.
[-] elektrosorcery | 1 points
VC u the man, looking forward to Silence when you can. Thanx for the work you do bro.
[-] elementarydeerwatson | 1 points
Looking forward to this as well!
[-] MsHartline | 1 points
Yeah, I was all set to dl another movie this morning and just get the message that the file is "no longer accessible". I hate that. Thank you for your effort.
[-] MsHartline | -3 points
Has it stopped working? In the past, I've clicked the title of the post but this one just keeps bringing me back to this page. Thank you very much.
[-] effrightscorp | 3 points
No, you type in "" and then copy paste in the bit at the top of the post starting with # after the /. That's the link - not directly linking helps slow down how quickly they get taken down
[-] MStone02 | 13 points | Jan 22 2017 17:15:25
Much appreciation for you & all the work you do!