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shorpipo | 29 points | Dec 31 2016 16:30:07

[TV] Cheers (1982) s1-s11 x265 576p [35 GB] | Megalinks MegaDB [TV] Cheers (1982) s1-s11 x265 576p [35 GB]

che.s01: xxxx.nz/#F!P0H | Megalinks MegaDB HgxhLrS Key: !AOY7CWUtZ5sa9oUxKi0zMQ

che.s02: xxxx.nz/#F!b9QFGBzH | Megalinks MegaDB HC Key: !YqRVLnxpqDE-Z0TJrycX3g

che.s03: xxxx.nz/#F!bx5mVH | Megalinks MegaDB HJSa Key: !J--3_k2L9lbFujFn7th4Lw

che.s04: xxxx.nz/#F!DxH | Megalinks MegaDB HYG0RzY Key: !WYbklcohTTS8U-XFLUx8qQ

che.s05: xxxx.nz/#F!yhhBH | Megalinks MegaDB HUBKb Key: !xhfbyFymrPVoRbzVN7HTMA

che.s06: xxxx.nz/#F!WH | Megalinks MegaDB H0p3XaiA Key: !EyR7DSoZeBEyWZYnQmdkOA

che.s07: xxxx.nz/#F!HoH | Megalinks MegaDB HxE3IzR Key: !uhj7OMnBbG28KjpyIyJKcA

che.s08: xxxx.nz/#F!v4QWH | Megalinks MegaDB HXBwL Key: !vm6DuTlhF7mgnKkNwQgxtA

che.s09: xxxx.nz/#F!W1ZH | Megalinks MegaDB HlGSzC Key: !7jgbSqr4nFeBz9p8KWGUaA

che.s10: xxxx.nz/#F!fwwH | Megalinks MegaDB HDGQ6S Key: !tjoiAdXM0fUnbh0kkutq1Q

che.s11: xxxx.nz/#F!mpwmHbH | Megalinks MegaDB HpR Key: !TrKa7Hmyx68SR5YAhIJhYg

To generate the links, remove any letter that is bold | Megalinks MegaDB bold and replace xxxx with the usual. Size is 35 GB.

The regulars of the Boston bar Cheers share their experiences and lives with each other while drinking or working at the bar where everybody knows your name.


[-] rednight39 | 3 points | Dec 31 2016 22:05:54

Thanks! These look good even though they're PAL (25fps vs the correct 23.97). The sound pitch is a more noticeable issue (I mention only because others might be curious).


[-] SubZorro | 1 points | Dec 31 2016 16:32:08

Subtitles for this movie:

^This ^list ^of ^subtitles ^are ^taken ^from ^opensubtitles.org ^| ^For ^feedback ^or ^suggestions ^contact ^/u/indigo6alpha


[-] praveennautie | 1 points | Jan 18 2017 19:29:50

Links are down !


[-] shorpipo | 2 points | Jan 20 2017 21:58:36

Links are up! Learn to read!


[-] praveennautie | 2 points | Jan 23 2017 09:36:21

Sorry. My bad.


[-] shorpipo | 1 points | Jan 27 2017 19:38:18

:-) it's all good my friend


[-] uzilover23 | 1 points | Mar 11 2017 11:22:39

Thanks mate, good to see this great show again
