DragonDrew | 58 points
Hey all, I will be uploading two lots of this. One will be the MOV files from the torrent and one will be my shitty encodes.
Each file has been taken from 1.2gb~ down to 100mb~. It is up to you if you want these files. I am open to Handbrake setting advice <3
EDIT: Looks like episode 5 has a heavy quality issue for a minute or two. This is on the original as well, sorry.
I've never done this before, but I really want to watch season two. Do I need a to use a VPN to do this? Will my ISP cut off my internet if I don't? Any help for a first timer would be greatly appreciated. These are probably stupid questions, but hey, we all start from somewhere, right?
edit: I ask for help because I've never done this before, and you people downvote me? Fucking assholes on this sub, never coming here again.
[-] ElessdeeDMT | 4 points
[-] Thoraxe474 | 2 points
Should be fine just grabbing it. I've always just grabbed downloads without using anything and been fine
[-] DragonDrew | 8 points
How to download.... Add mega.co.nz to the front of the link.
[-] mbrooks1999 | 6 points
bud, do you have St Perfects Day? Would appreciate it.
[-] InadequateUsername | 5 points
[-] MyOwnTutor | 5 points
Well, that's one way to distribute free literature.
[-] elbrento133 | 5 points
[-] xacmitch19 | 4 points
I appreciates you!
[-] rickwillis13 | 1 points
Is this a broken link?
[-] DragonDrew | 4 points
No, but I am slowly uploading them all. Takes a little bit, sorry.
[-] jimijimiyork | 8 points
And that's what I appreciates about you, OP.
[-] platypus_bear | 7 points
Is that what you appreciate about OP?
[-] jimijimiyork | 7 points
Let me take about 20% off there, Squirrely Dan.
[-] steveharveymanbird | 9 points
Your sister's hot, there I said it. I regret nothing
[-] angelhound2 | 1 points
where r the links?
[-] StealthSecrecy | 1 points
Thank you so much! My current internet couldn't handle the streaming, this is a life saver.
[-] Whitefishes | 1 points
Thanks so much I got the first episode
In the first season there was funny stuff said after the credits Is this true for the second? it seems you cut early
[-] DragonDrew | 3 points
Not my source so I don't know, sorry. I just made them smaller and upped them to Mega. Looks like the original user used a screen recorder to do this rather than ripping it direct. There should be full length rips up in a week or two if you can wait.
[-] Infinity2quared | 1 points
I'm getting some error about being unable to load hev1 formats. I'm getting audio but no video. Anyone have any ideas how to solve this?
[-] prettyprincessmatang | 1 points
thanks mate
[-] aManPerson | 1 points
beauty mate, thanks.
[-] taketheleap | 1 points
Major ouchie, bro.
(also, thanks)
[-] whyamihereimnotsure | 1 points
Doing the Lord's work, thank you very much, kind sir.
[-] hillbilly_bears | 1 points
Thanks for this. I just discovered this show last week and have been dying to catch season 2.
[-] [deleted] | 1 points
i just discovered this show yesterday, and i love it. and you encoded them in my favored format, mp4! excellent work!
[-] KaronteNoKami | 1 points
Wow thanks dude
[-] jimijimiyork | 11 points | Dec 26 2016 05:55:22
PITTER FUCKING PATTER! you're doing the Lord's work, son. thank you kindly.
btw - wouldn't open in QT, VLC works/looks amazing though. you da man, OP.