yazanabueid | 17 points
Man, so badly want to watch it but knowing that there are over 6mins of footage edited out due to "censoring" makes me not even open the video.
Can you elaborate? Censored by whom?
[-] jimbodeako | 5 points
Since it's got hard coded subs, I'm guessing it's China who censored it.
[-] yazanabueid | 2 points
[-] [deleted] | 1 points
does this have the hardcoded subs?
[-] yazanabueid | 1 points
Yes unfortunately, let me edit the post.
[-] yazanabueid | 1 points
Sorry about the hardcoded subs that are present in the video.
[-] [deleted] | 1 points
I can't wait to P it.
[-] amijustamoodybastard | 1 points
[-] [deleted] | 1 points
The download is so slow though.
[-] brokenwolf | 1 points
I really want to see this. Is this torrent worth getting?
[-] yazanabueid | 1 points
Ill put up some screenshots so you can decide for yourself if its worth or not.
[-] stfucupcake | 1 points
Wow what a gripping movie. Thx for the up.
[-] windowsguru44 | 5 points | Dec 23 2016 18:20:51
just watched this, very disturbing but awesome