ashtodes | 43 points
Key: !EBSo2-WjRDjAJ8C0SgUFmOsUZF9sfgaQQWd358AniOA
Once again re-uploading after it was removed.
[-] tyleralderiondurden | 2 points
your movie uploads are awesome. would you happen to be taking on requests?
I usually take requests if it's something I have or want myself. I don't have a ton of bandwidth, so if someone suggests a TV show I don't have interest in for example, I'm not going to get it. If you have some requests I'd be happy to upload what I have though!
[-] tyleralderiondurden | 1 points
i understand. if i may suggest that you make a list of stuff you have and want to share and then we can request.
Good idea. I'll make a post later once I figure out the most efficient way to do that without manually typing everything.
[-] tyleralderiondurden | 1 points
[-] hahayeahthatscool | 2 points
really appreciate your uploads man!!!!!!!!!!!
[-] SubZorro | 2 points | Nov 19 2016 00:31:06
Subtitles for this movie:
^This ^list ^of ^subtitles ^are ^taken ^from ^ ^| ^For ^feedback ^or ^suggestions ^contact ^/u/indigo6alpha