imranr11 | 32 points
Folder List:
Brain Candy - Kids in the Hall (1996)
Gattaca (1997)
Girl With The Dragon Tattoo (2009)
I am Legend (2007)
Jumper (2008)
Paranormal Activity 1-4 (2007-2012)
Powder (1995)
Robocop 1-3 (1987-1993)
Salt (2010)
Street Kings (2008)
The Girl Who Kicked The Hornet's Nest Part 1 & Part 2 (2009)
The Girl Who Played With Fire (2009)
The Social Network (2010)
Key: !Ea0sMoMAcX2MMDtr-9AuEg
[-] Uniquestusername | 2 points
link down
Whenever I try to download The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest, Megadownloader gives me an error. It seems that the problem is that the files I want to download are in too many folders and megadownloader can't find them or something.
here's part of the error info. * Internal info: System.IO.PathTooLongException: The specified path, file name, or both are too long. The fully qualified file name must be less than 260 characters, and the directory name must be less than 248 characters.
[-] GhostHawk666 | 1 points
Very cool! The original Swedish "Girl with the Dragon Tattoo". Love Noomi Rapace in this one. Usually all you can find out there is the crappy US version.
[-] YvonMatterhorn | 1 points
could you reupload please?
[-] PCSE_32 | 2 points | Nov 05 2016 09:20:13
Thanks for the Stieg Larsson Movies Bro.