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shorpipo | 8 points | Oct 23 2016 16:55:27

[TV] OneFootInTheGrave.1990.s1-s6.x265 | Megalinks MegaDB [TV] OneFootInTheGrave.1990.s1-s6.x265



[-] shorpipo | 1 points | Oct 23 2016 16:55:39

Key @ http://pastebin.com/ebw2CfJC

The show challenged the traditional boundaries of cosy suburban sitcom, dealing with subjects such as death and old age with pathos and a strong overtone of black comedy. Episode One saw Victor forced into early retirement from his job as a security guard having been replaced by 'a box'. Refusing to be cast aside onto life’s scrapheap, he determines to fill his unwelcome leisure time with odd jobs, new hobbies and putting the world to rights.

However, like some Machiavellian force, the world conspires against him with its bureaucracy, misunderstandings and surreal coincidences, frequently landing him in all manner of ridiculous situations; from being legally prosecuted for attacking a vicious pit bull terrier with coconut meringues, to being buried alive in his own garden.

In each episode Victor's ever-simmering temper at the unfairness of it all boils over into a vitriolic rant, occasionally preceded by his immortal catchphrase "I don't believe it!"
