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maxwdn | 11 points | Oct 18 2016 17:58:27

[Question] Is it safe to Download without a VPN? | Megalinks MegaDB [Question] Is it safe to Download without a VPN?

Yeah it's the obligatory question again but I just stumbled across this subreddit as a german guy who has basically no chance to get Westworld legally except the shitty Sky Service. And as far as I understand it's the seeding through torrents that will mostly get you (as it got me last year) but what about just downloading encrypted files?


[-] Dude036 | 19 points | Oct 18 2016 18:35:01

Downloading through Mega, either via the browser or the apps is perfectly safe. It's end to end encrypted so that you need the decryption key or else it's just viewed as Garbage data. So yes, you're perfectly safe downloading from MEGA. (as long as the file isn't tainted or corrupted)


[-] maxwdn | 3 points | Oct 18 2016 18:42:47

Alright, here's my question though, when the file downloaded it's usually called "WestworldS0103 x256" whatsoever, so how far does the descryption go when the file in the end is still obviously copyrighted content once it's on my PC


[-] Shurae | 8 points | Oct 18 2016 18:51:37

When it comes to DDL you generally dont have to worry. When you download using torrent on the other hand a VPN is something you should consider paying for.


[-] maxwdn | 4 points | Oct 18 2016 18:53:14

Thanks for the answer. How come you say 'generally'? And no I don't torrent at all anymore, that's over after I got caught for 800 bucks last year. I don't download at all anymore but Westworld is something I can't miss.


[-] Shurae | 4 points | Oct 18 2016 19:08:54

DDL hoster like uploaded or Share-Online (Not sure about MEGA) save your IP for 2 - 6 hours (Longer if you're a premium user) So lets say an agency wants to go at you for whatever reasons they can go to the hosters and ask for your IP. This usually never happens, since most agencys go after the uploader. But even that isn't that big of a deal because most hoster just log the traffic connected to your IP, not the file you downloaded. MEGA should be saver than both mentioned hoster.


[-] maxwdn | 2 points | Oct 18 2016 19:10:43

Interesting, thank you. Why should MEGA be safer? Because of their end to end descryption?


[-] odellusv2 | 2 points | Oct 19 2016 09:41:56

the main problem with torrenting is that in order to download something, you also have to upload to other peers. this is sharing copyrighted material. they don't care anywhere near as much about people downloading it as they do people spreading it. as for mega's safety; it's https. all your ISP can see is where you're downloading from and how much. they don't see what it is at all. you should also be using a DNS server other than your ISP's, this helps prevent them from seeing where and when you're going to certain websites.


[-] Dude036 | 1 points | Oct 18 2016 19:13:46

Yupp. In order to see what you're downloading, they need to have the decryption key.


[-] AladeenAlWadiya | 6 points | Oct 18 2016 19:14:44

HTTPS, & end-to-end encryption means you're probably the only one who can see those things. Even if it weren't ISPs rarely snoop on customers for copyright violations. While torrenting from a public tracker what happens is that the people working for the copyright holders gets the list of IP addresses that were downloading their media file, these IP addresses are plainly accessible to anyone. They forward these IP addresses to their respective ISPs (the ones that care enough to do anything about it), and the ISPs will then sent a DMCA notice to you, the IP holder, ~~which you can safely ignore~~. The only people that can rat you out is the people at Mega.nz. And I don't think they're going to do that.


[-] maxwdn | 3 points | Oct 18 2016 19:18:23

Ahh okay. So in order for them to see my IP Adress they would 1) know which decrypted file I was downloading and 2) look through all the IP Adresses that downloaded it and find mine which won't happen because MEGA won't allow that?


[-] AladeenAlWadiya | 3 points | Oct 18 2016 19:38:14

Now that I think about it, because the key is visible to anyone who visits this sub there may be some complex ways to do those things. But they would be way too expensive, and impractical. And on the rare occasions that copyright holders do file charges, and the case ends up in court, they're not doing so to punish the individual, they're doing it to set an example, and when going after people who download torrents is much easier there's no way they would go through all that trouble. Especially since torrent has become synonymous with piracy.


[-] coolniceokoh | 1 points | Dec 03 2016 19:53:11

I downloaded a few files over the past weeks and I was hit with the copyright strike/DMCA papers being mailed to my address. This happened four times and those files were from this subreddit. USE A VPN.

I also got two more strikes just from streaming from solarmovie.sc Don't watch there unless you have a VPN.


[-] KN265 | 5 points | Oct 18 2016 18:10:45

I do that and nothing has happened to me so far. I also happen to be under a "strict" firewall in my school.


[-] [deleted] | 4 points | Oct 18 2016 20:21:13

Through MEGA is fine for all reasons already specified. Just don't download torrents without a VPN since several companies hire agencies to troll people with warning letters that your ISP forwards onto you.


[-] pables420 | 1 points | Oct 18 2016 22:23:30

Does this make any difference if you're using your schools wifi? The TOS for my schools wifi says "no torrenting under any circumstance" and that they track all internet traffic. Is there any way to trace MEGA downloads even with HTTPS and E2E encryption? Also, I have to login using my student number and password if that makes any difference.


[-] [deleted] | 4 points | Oct 18 2016 22:38:07



[-] pables420 | 2 points | Oct 18 2016 22:40:23

Does it make a difference if the file requires a decryption key or not?


[-] Duttyboo | 1 points | Oct 19 2016 12:42:50

I have never used a VPN and (touch wood) have never been contacted about downloading torrents or anything for that matter. I know in 'murica isp's bend over backwards whenever they get asked for information, in England however the isp's usually tell them to fuck off. If for whatever reason the isp decides to do something about it you usually get three strikes.
