MattInTheHat15 | 15 points
[-] MattInTheHat15 | 1 points
Key: !UQ3deKcxOosxIaL7YPo4RUey6mY2jRtK2ujpD2JHbaw
[-] RMoviesScraperBot | 1 points
^2016 ^~ ^Action, ^Adventure, ^Sci-Fi ^~ ^120 ^min
Two decades after the first Independence Day invasion, Earth is faced with a new extra-Solar threat. But will mankind's new space defenses be enough?
. | _ :--------|:--------: imdb Rating |
^this ^is ^a ^simple ^movie ^scraper ^bot, ^please ^downvote ^this ^comment ^if ^you ^find ^it ^inaccurate.
[-] msnmck | 2 points | Oct 29 2016 18:28:00
This isn't x265, is it? I can't play those except on my computer, and I can't convert them to another file or burn them to a disc because all of my programs go apeshit trying.
[-] MattInTheHat15 | 2 points | Oct 29 2016 20:42:57
No, it is H264