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shorpipo | 16 points | Oct 01 2016 16:58:30

[TV] Outnumbered.2007.s1-s5.x265 | Megalinks MegaDB [TV] Outnumbered.2007.s1-s5.x265



[-] AviciiUK | 2 points | Oct 02 2016 21:08:09

nice release again mate, you're doing gods work, keep it up


[-] shorpipo | 1 points | Oct 01 2016 16:58:45

Key @ http://pastebin.com/1qBSCptL

The series is centered on the Brockmans, a middle-class family living in West London, whose two parents are "outnumbered" by their three somewhat unruly children. The father (Pete) is a history teacher at an inner city school and the mother (Sue) is a part-time personal assistant. The three children are: Jake, the straight man of the family, whose teenage sarcasm and obsession with girls worries his mother, Ben, who is hyperactive, a pathological liar, does unusual things, and is always coming up with hypothetical questions like "who would win in a fight between..." and Karen, who asks too many questions, frequently imitates a lot of what she sees on television and criticises nearly everything.

The children get older over the five series which means the dynamic in the family changes, but the thing that makes this series stand out is whilst the adults' lines were learned by the actors, a lot of the kids' dialog was whispered in their ear by the director so the adults' reactions are genuine.


[-] SubZorro | 1 points | Oct 01 2016 17:02:06

Subtitles for this movie:

  • Outnumbered - 01x01 - The School Run.DVDRIP-REWARD.English.HI.edit.Addic7ed.com | Megalinks MegaDB Outnumbered - 01x01 - The School Run.DVDRIP-REWARD.English.HI.edit.Addic7ed.com - 1 CD - Download Subtitle

^This ^list ^of ^subtitles ^are ^taken ^from ^opensubtitles.org ^| ^For ^feedback ^or ^suggestions ^contact ^/u/indigo6alpha
