Hadam10Rose | 17 points
The.Good.Place.S01E02 - mega:#!YkM0ADbI!Xzm07FjNjCsPZiw3aKWzryMeK9nNtnrx6OgVmW3YZvY
Notorious.S01E01 - mega:///#!V40V1YQb!Ka2Zj4uKq2rsDvD6PhI14Z4fRuGar1ahPmQ7v5Dys4I
Red.Dwarf.S11E01 - mega:///#!A103EZKQ!yVLuJOyaNbc4SaONIQ50UeMnsoHfWfpYVXsSMEiC4u0
[-] scenikeight | 1 points
Thanks so much !!!!
[-] Hadam10Rose | 1 points
How do I use these links? Different format than the ones I'm used to seeing.
[-] scenikeight | 2 points
copy the #!randomnumbers bit and but mega.nz/ in front
Thanks! What is the point of the mega:/// in front?
[-] scenikeight | 1 points
That part of the url is replaced so that the links can't be picked up and removed by bots.
[-] aud_nih | 2 points | Sep 24 2016 00:40:35
The new Red Dwarf is fantastic. Feels like we're back in the glory days of the series.