Valar_Morghulis7 | 10 points
Came across this, Berkeley deleting all their free course videos, and was wondering if anyone on this great sub would be able to download these youtube videos and then upload them to their mega account.
Unfortunately I won't be able to, and seeing as they're going to get taken down I think it would be great if we could preserve these and keep them. Im sure someone from that sub will do the same and torrent them but id like them to be stored on some mega accounts as well. Here is the link to Berkeleys playlist here
I know this is technically a request and may be frowned upon, but I wanted this to stick out seeing as its very educational and could help a lot of people. Thank you everyone, this is the best sub by far
If the Yale youtube videos were being taken down i'd upload to Mega, but Berkeley...
[-] Valar_Morghulis7 | 2 points
just trying to preserve some free education bro
[-] madwilliamflint | 1 points
There's gotta be some way to script this.
[-] ruralcricket | 2 points | Sep 18 2016 01:48:06
Isn't this guy already working it?
Also, someone thinks that it might total 3TB. That would take some months for me + some more disks!
[-] Valar_Morghulis7 | 2 points | Sep 18 2016 04:08:27
yeah theres a few downloading it, but I doubt they'll upload it through mega and share, its just easier for me to get it through this. But 3TB damn, yeah that will take a while.