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Hadam10Rose | 13 points | Sep 08 2016 23:04:10

[TV] Pokemon DP-XYZ | Megalinks MegaDB [TV] Pokemon DP-XYZ

Black and White (Complete English Dub) - https://mega.nz/#F!7EkW3S4S!iqDD59IovtnwXr90IcOwVQ

BW Adventures in Unava (English Dub) - https://mega.nz/#F!LVdDXRLK!oFnRN3HPmiYZPV5UYkWAEA

BW Rivals Destines (Complete English Dub) - https://mega.nz/#F!DE0X0IKQ!Isjd-_erLW7HbIgb-yZzeA

Diamond and Pearl (Complete English Dub) - https://mega.nz/#F!6QEwWaSR!Da0p4NrZ1xHEkwhSo-L9Vg

DP Battle Destinations (Complete English Dub) - https://mega.nz/#F!6VEizApa!Tg1OfHU_Ww2qj6Pyw280bA

DP Galactic Battles (Complete English Dub) - https://mega.nz/#F!rAV3jKRA!gunJ-x9nPeStHk-Rsc8GVw

XY (Complete English Dub) - https://mega.nz/#F!mIMm0SwJ!vq3KoT6HCPPQBD0z-8AAPA

XYZ (As of posting, Up to Date English Dub, some audio missing) - https://mega.nz/#F!bUlGnLAa!5jisk8C93m36x-8TX-oPWQ

It has been reported that the audio doesn't work on some of the XYZ episodes..... oh well.

If episodes are missing, they were taken down. Adventures in Unava is when I stopped hunting for the eps, so I don't have them all, also the entire BW ark is crap to me, so I don't care if I have them, and I don't down to up. I do have the throw back eps to Ash's Butterfree and Charazard though...... yeah, I don't even watch this series anymore, it's more of a nestaliga thing to me


[-] Hadam10Rose | 1 points | Sep 09 2016 04:33:17



[-] staler | 1 points | Sep 09 2016 06:22:25

A number of the XYZ ones don't actually have audio tracks =/


[-] Hadam10Rose | 0 points | Sep 10 2016 07:50:20

bummer, well that's the problem with only downloading and never watching. oh well. Help people out by commenting what ones are muted.
