ashtodes | 47 points
Key: !YSA1zqP_4XF_Cjs741HHBA
39GB Total
Season 1-3: 640x480 ~110MB, 2 channel audio @64kbps
Season 4-7: 720x544 ~120MB, 2 channel audio @64kbps (some are 512x384 ~80MB, not sure why but hey, it's a cartoon)
Season 8: 1440x1080 ~190MB, 5.1 audio @190kbps
Season 9-14: 1920x1080 ~190MB, 5.1 audio @190kbps
Sorry for the Fox intros on some of the later seasons. I don't currently have a method of batch-removing those intros, as they slightly vary in length and it's a TON of work to do manually.
[-] hermas_360 | 2 points
great scott, thank you!!!!
[-] mystrilreddit | 1 points
This is awesome!
[-] Fuck_Italians | -17 points
what the fuck is your problem with FOX? and i can't find any FOX intros on many episodes
I don't understand the hostility... Check the later seasons.
[-] Fuck_Italians | -13 points
[-] PCSE_32 | 4 points | Aug 14 2016 08:55:01
You are pretty awesome! :)