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GhostHawk666 | 0 points | Jul 19 2016 15:13:04

[REQUESTS] Any Star Wars in 3D Side-by-Side format plz... | Megalinks MegaDB [REQUESTS] Any Star Wars in 3D Side-by-Side format plz...

I have been looking for any SW in 3D. I know the newest one is not released in 3D until this December, but any of the other movies would be appreciated. I once had Ep. 4, 5 and 6 but whoever did the encoding did it wrong and there was jitter throughout. As if it were doing frame-skipping. So please don't post those versions if you ended up with them. Thanks in advance


[-] Hadam10Rose | 3 points | Jul 19 2016 22:37:21

the jitters were are because Lucasfilm was only half done with 4: a New Hope when Disney canceled the 3D conversion processes, so only 7, 1, 2, and 3, are fully done in 3D properly and not fan projects. 5 and 6 were never converted or even touched by Lucasfilm for 3D.


[-] tbx5959 | 1 points | Jul 20 2016 05:16:02

I saw 1 in the theater, were the other 2 ever even released in theaters and are any of the prequels available anywhere?


[-] Hadam10Rose | 1 points | Jul 20 2016 05:35:24

They are only shown at Star Wars Celebration events


[-] tbx5959 | 1 points | Jul 20 2016 05:39:36

oh ok


[-] GhostHawk666 | 1 points | Jul 20 2016 12:30:59

Damn that sucks. Thanks.
