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PropDad | 2 points | May 09 2016 00:41:08

[REQUEST] Altered States (1980) | Megalinks MegaDB [REQUEST] Altered States (1980)

Have a friend that is a major Marvel fan. With John Hurt being in the new Captain America film reminded me of the first John Hurt film I ever watched. My friend has never seen it.


[-] mrNobody-_- | 1 points | May 24 2016 09:02:52

If you're still loking for it, here's the link: https://mega.nz/#!nsI3XLYY!W8X4HtkBBNGvzBHUT6F4w2PMcBZQcs2aBp4FQPebIAo


[-] PropDad | 1 points | May 24 2016 14:07:02

Yes I was. Thanks!
