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FreeTextbookForU | 42 points | May 02 2016 01:26:56

[Textbook] Understanding Motivation and Emotion (Info in Comments About New Subreddit) | Megalinks MegaDB [Textbook] Understanding Motivation and Emotion (Info in Comments About New Subreddit)



[-] FreeTextbookForU | 36 points | May 02 2016 01:27:12

I would like to create r/MegaBooks but this alt account needs karma before I can create the subreddit… I have a few texts uploaded to Mega already. I’ve saved so much finding pdfs of textbooks, serious racket with the whole 812% increase and everything… I just want to be able to help other students save money and exchange textbooks. r/textbookexchange didn’t like my idea of contributing with pdf uploads…

If you guys would please give me enough karma to make this subreddit happen I’d be greatly appreciative. If you look through my history you’ll see this is just an alt with the purpose of setting this thing up. I don’t care about karma for any reason other than creating a resource for students to share textbooks and save everyone money.


[-] iHateReddit_srsly | 8 points | May 02 2016 02:06:00

Just post puns in comments like everyone else.


[-] stormarsenal | 7 points | May 02 2016 08:05:17

But /r/MegaBooks already exists.


[-] FreeTextbookForU | 1 points | May 02 2016 18:36:55

Oh my god.. I feel so dumb now. I swear I checked for it prior to this post! I must have somehow misspelled mega or books...

Do you think it would be better to post on there or create a subreddit around textbook links?


[-] stormarsenal | 1 points | May 02 2016 23:50:49

Yeah, I think /r/Megatextbooks or something would work better for your specific purpose.


[-] Mentalpopcorn | 3 points | May 02 2016 07:15:39

I have a bunch I can give you. How can I get them to you?


[-] FreeTextbookForU | 1 points | May 02 2016 18:43:05

Oh man that would be awesome. If you have collected links you could send them to me otherwise you could upload the files or even create a torrent of the collective sum.

Apparently r/MEGABooks already exists and I am retarded. Do you think it would be better to post the links there or create a new sub surrounding textbook sharing? I was just thinking if I created a new sub I could allow it to be used for links from other sites as well which could yield more success in finding/sharing textbooks than if it was restricted to MEGA links.

Just thought some input would be helpful. I'm new to the MEGA subreddits.


[-] Mentalpopcorn | 1 points | May 03 2016 06:13:58

I think textbooks are a specific enough subject that they merit their own sub.

As getting them to you, I don't have links, just files, but no way to remain anonymous so I'd rather not do a torrent. Know of any place I could upload them? Some of the filenames have to be corrected so I won't be able to do it until next week after finals, but I'll get them up if you point me somewhere easy.


[-] FreeTextbookForU | 1 points | May 11 2016 03:36:41

I don't think uploading them individually would be convenient... I use PeerBlock and upload to mega. Sorry for taking so long to get back. I started that sub right before finals. Don't know what I was thinking... Will be done with them tomorrow. I'll look into a solution to this problem and let you know if I find one.


[-] Mentalpopcorn | 1 points | May 11 2016 03:55:01

No worries. I just went through my PDFs and I don't have an exact count since there's a lot of fiction mixed in, but it's anywhere between 75-200 textbooks and academic works covering a lot of major subjects. It'll take me a while to go through and separate them, so I will get started sometime soon, just let me know when you figure out a way to get them from me.


[-] FreeTextbookForU | 1 points | May 02 2016 21:15:08

r/StudentBookExchange is now up and running if you have any links you'd like to submit.


[-] amibored | 7 points | May 02 2016 08:24:03

A good idea. I have a selection of Computer Science books I can contribute


[-] FreeTextbookForU | 2 points | May 02 2016 21:16:23

r/StudentBookExchange is now up and running if you have any links you'd like to submit.


[-] FreeTextbookForU | 1 points | May 02 2016 20:04:36

Awesome, that would be great.

Apparently I somehow missed that r/MEGABooks is already a sub.. Do you think I should go ahead and make a standalone sub devoted to textbook exchange?


[-] FreeTextbookForU | 1 points | May 02 2016 21:13:54

r/StudentBookExchange is now operational. Anyone who stumbles across this, please come by and subscribe and contribute.
