indigo6alpha | 15 points!bVQSGIyB!ez8HoC-LS4nUwUe7LPDZKjZahYFX6dGGgdEKfBT33ZE
Link is dead already.
[-] SpatialWheel | 1 points
no it isn't
Why is this not streamable? 10% downloaded, but when I play it in vlc, it aborts after 8 seconds. Not after 10% play time
[-] indigo6alpha | 1 points
I'm not sure. I've had a similar problem on linux. Problem with the MEGASync streaming function, maybe?
[-] ironfist92 | 1 points | Apr 13 2016 04:36:59
How is this already out?
[-] sirin3 | 4 points | Apr 13 2016 10:59:27
Perhaps it has traveled back in time?