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meowticklebutt | 21 points | Mar 04 2016 22:54:57

[Movie] The Hobbit Trilogy (Extended Editions) (1080p) | Megalinks MegaDB [Movie] The Hobbit Trilogy (Extended Editions) (1080p)

Here is the link to the text file: <a href="https://mega.nz/#!UQ50VJ7D!9IFlbq1Az1GbCmpoT88DmhvMK5KgLnUlzqc4KpbcVcs">DOWNLOAD LINK</a> | Megalinks MegaDB DOWNLOAD LINK

The links to each film are in the text file and the password is the normal one: the noise a cat makes...all lowercase.

I know the file sizes are big, but the quality is worth it!


[-] extremebs | 2 points | Apr 08 2016 03:35:18

Re-upload or give links please. Text docs deleted :(


[-] Ehc0rn | 2 points | May 14 2016 23:53:01

deleted ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.3179 ^^^What ^^^is ^^^this?


[-] imbrawler | 1 points | Mar 05 2016 03:32:27

for i moment i thought the password was "the noise a cat makes", then it came to me


[-] meowticklebutt | 1 points | Mar 05 2016 03:34:59

Haha. That's funny. I just didn't want to put it in plain text in case some sort of bot could easily filter through these types of things.


[-] imbrawler | 2 points | Mar 05 2016 03:38:00

would you also happen to have new links for LoTR, extended version 1080p. thanks


[-] meowticklebutt | 4 points | Mar 05 2016 12:42:40

I can begin the Re-upload soon, but that's about 11 GB in total do it'll take a couple of hours, but I'll reply to your comment again when they're up.


[-] meowticklebutt | 3 points | Mar 05 2016 15:20:49

The uploads too way less time than I thought.

<a href="https://mega.nz/#!VEQQjDpI!-MWvk6qseLhL_r_TvZIOpVQfKFgswvf_feupznCa6TE">LINK TO PASSWORD-PROTECTED TEXT FILE.</a> | Megalinks MegaDB LINK TO PASSWORD-PROTECTED TEXT FILE.

As always, the password is the noise a cat makes, all lowercase.


[-] CrashT_T | 1 points | Mar 05 2016 05:42:23

the file sizes are pretty big but damn thats beautiful


[-] Unscarredhero1 | 1 points | Mar 06 2016 15:09:58

I'm having problems opening this zip on the iOS mega app. Anyone else have any luck?


[-] meowticklebutt | 1 points | Mar 06 2016 15:50:01

That's probably because it has a password. Try on an desktop OS and you should be fine. I just tested it again and it and the links inside work fine.


[-] jifoejfiodsjfiodasjf | 1 points | Mar 07 2016 07:03:05

is the desolation link the extended or standard version? also thx


[-] meowticklebutt | 2 points | Mar 07 2016 12:40:10

All of them are extended in 1080p. And do problem.


[-] jifoejfiodsjfiodasjf | 1 points | Mar 07 2016 18:51:04

cool, i was just curious b/c wikipedia says the run time should be 186 for extended and 161 for normal, but I'm not sure where the mark the start and end. The desolation link seems to only run about 160 or I can't do math and its not labeled extended like the others.


[-] PhanOfAwesome | 1 points | Mar 27 2016 18:02:48

Could you put the link back up for a few days? I missed when it was up and would love these movies. Thanks!
