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God_of_Dyslexia | 5 points | Feb 26 2016 18:07:55

[Request] Feb 25 Republican Debate | Megalinks MegaDB [Request] Feb 25 Republican Debate


[-] SeanTheLawn | 1 points | Feb 27 2016 00:28:12

Found it on YouTube in terrible quality but it's better than nothing


[-] God_of_Dyslexia | 1 points | Feb 27 2016 02:39:33



[-] indigo6alpha | 1 points | Feb 27 2016 07:43:32

Here you go: Republican.Primary.Debate.2016.02.25.Texas.720p


[-] [deleted] | 0 points | Feb 27 2016 00:08:23

Am I the only one that thinks OP should have put his name at Dog_of_Dyslexia?


[-] [deleted] | -4 points | Feb 26 2016 19:06:15

I hope this is for comedic value. I expect the drinking game rules to be posted before viewing begins as well


[-] SeanTheLawn | 7 points | Feb 26 2016 19:49:26

I don't see why it has to be for comedic value. I consider myself very liberal but I want to watch this debate because I think it's healthy to consider opposing viewpoints.


[-] Kaiosama | 0 points | Feb 27 2016 00:22:53

Your presumption of opposing viewpoints likely would apply with a republican party 8 or 12 or more years ago.

All I'm seeing from republican debates at this point are screaming matches and putdowns.

Feels like watching Jerry Springer.
