blueeyes757 | 18 points!3U8WUKIC!Jjw3osnZBROBHDfM5MWyAbk3cXW7xyhej-SrSLddvCs
[-] blueeyes757 | 1 points
[-] Ghosthead84 | 1 points
Anyone else having an issue playing this? It gets to about four minutes and change and then craps out. Tried a few different players and even tried converting the video file, no luck.
[-] blueeyes757 | 2 points
I have no problems playing it. Here's a smaller size.
[-] Ghosthead84 | 1 points
Thank you kindly.
[-] BigBlackHungGuy | 2 points | Feb 21 2016 18:12:33
Thats Frahnkensteen.