SoostheMoos | 11 points
I much prefer 1080p, but I'll take what I can get.
[-] heatproofmatt | 2 points
I'll save the rest of you the trouble of having to jump through the hoops. Links to the Mega site versions of the upload. (All links should be to the 720p versions of the episodes)
[-] pokefinder2 | 6 points
[Episode 10] (!l880VZAI!Fp85Y-RUKfEcCUGYJaIzBELbkwwuj7GZVB37F6RFJrM)
[-] [deleted] | 3 points | Dec 01 2015 20:20:43
Whenever you need anime, just hit this site up
It will only allow 1 download at a time, but if you're staying current you can wait the 5 mins it takes to download when they release.