blueeyes757 | 22 points!EMFkXCCT!0_dhbnxKOPE_lBEIa115ULj9wD0Or6VUQPMZMPZUahY
[-] BigBlackHungGuy | 3 points
^^oh ^MY
[-] blueeyes757 | 3 points
Another Link!zx1GiCLB!VfIFQjKev_J7SkPeq67t6xhwWXxgqPb5iv9h0V8O_6Y
Thank you!!! Gonna buy the Blu-ray but this should tide me over till then. You are a legend.
[-] claydavisismyhero | 2 points
Finally. Will wait out a webdl. Movie looks too pretty to settle for a screener
[-] BigBlackHungGuy | 0 points
/u/dogetipbot 200 doge verify
[-] nalge | 5 points | Jan 21 2015 06:18:21
your work, as always, is very much appreciated, blueeyes757. for this movie, i'll wait for the HD rip though =]