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blueeyes757 | 21 points | Sep 26 2014 07:17:10

[Movie] 22 Jump Street (2014) WEB-DL [1080p] | Megalinks MegaDB [Movie] 22 Jump Street (2014) WEB-DL [1080p]



[-] blueeyes757 | 4 points | Sep 26 2014 07:17:15

English subs


[-] Cbergs | 3 points | Sep 26 2014 17:51:43

Thanks. Has anyone watched it yet, how is the quality?


[-] [deleted] | 4 points | Sep 26 2014 20:48:34



[-] od_9 | 3 points | Sep 27 2014 01:04:08

turn it of.

It's obviously a typo, but for "off" or "on"?

Edit: I know it's "on" based on context, but out of that context, it could have been problematic.


[-] [deleted] | 1 points | Sep 27 2014 09:41:04



[-] od_9 | 4 points | Sep 27 2014 17:36:16

I was drunk and the thought popped into my head.


[-] edible_starling | 2 points | Sep 26 2014 16:10:27

Saved for later. Thanks!


[-] od_9 | 3 points | Sep 27 2014 01:03:23

Be quick, Mega has been removing content recently. I just went to download a few things that I'd imported into my drive and was getting "File no longer exists" errors and a notice that some files were removed for copyright violations.

The fact that they can do that kinda invalidates their claim that they have no knowledge of the files you have stored in your drive.


[-] edible_starling | 2 points | Sep 27 2014 01:28:43

aha, I see. Just went through a back log of movies I had saved to snatch and several indeed are no longer available. I don't think it's them scanning your files so much as them being active on sites like this where you're publicly sharing the link. That said, godspeed movie savior! It's greatly appreciated.


[-] od_9 | 2 points | Sep 27 2014 03:50:29

Even if they were just monitoring here, when I make a copythey of the file into my drive and rename it, they shouldn't be able to identify it immediately. Obviously they can, because when I copy it, they're just creating a link/pointer back to the original to save space. But it's still a little disconcerting and I reason I wouldn't ever trust them with real data.


[-] whussupbros | 2 points | Sep 27 2014 02:19:29

Wait is this legit or filmed in theatre?


[-] whussupbros | 3 points | Sep 27 2014 02:49:57

Wait never mind. It's legit. Sick! Thanks!


[-] reallynotnick | 1 points | Sep 27 2014 04:48:52

Web DL means it came from something like iTunes or Ultraviolet.


[-] aponicalixto | 1 points | Sep 28 2014 23:57:23

Thanks for this OP!


[-] [deleted] | 1 points | Oct 05 2014 01:12:36



[-] blueeyes757 | 1 points | Oct 05 2014 02:04:57

Download VLC. In vlc. go to tools,preferences,interface,set up associations,select all, save


[-] blueeyes757 | 1 points | Oct 05 2014 02:08:12

Right click file, properties,General,opens with, change, change to windows media player or another player
