Online-Gypsy | 14 points!IJoUmTST!cAm3Hu4lW6dWAk8LGE6-CUYg8gIRUGtZVlOWgo17Xaw
I worked through Level 1 of Pimsleur's French CDs back in the late 90s, and it was enough for me to muddle through conversations and generally not be completely lost when I went to France. Today I'd probably just use DuoLingo, but the Pimsleur method does work.
[-] Online-Gypsy | 2 points
True, it may not be much, and im not sure if these are the full thing, but i just had it in my HDD and it wouldn't cause any harm to share it
[-] MrKyleOwns | 4 points | Jul 29 2014 14:38:47
I think I have the Spanish version of Pimsleur somewhere. I'll upload it if I find it.