Kyder99 | 32 points
Am I? I sure hope not. I'm a photography major and have tons of storage in the cloud is something I tried with Dropbox and it worked alright, but MEGA just seems to be that on crack. I can now have folders of images for my clients to (re)download their digital copies whenever they want. I can access all my digital negatives whenever since I bounce computers all the time. MEGA seems like a pretty boss tool in my toolbelt.
[-] PT2JSQGHVaHWd24aCdCF | 6 points
50GB is very good. The web UI is rather pretty and uncluttered. And having links is another bonus. What I would like is some kind of API so that it can be used in apps, something like Dropbox (but with a link please, apps that use Dropbox put their files all over the place, a mega sharing link could sandbox data, or so I hope) I will definitely use it if it works out with my 4GB of personal photos (no, not porn)
As you wish:
[-] Defenerate | 1 points
Yep, the MEGA upload you use is just the api as well.
[-] vveksuvarna | 3 points
Give me an uploader app for Android and Windows, and I'll be a happy camper.
Although if they want me to buy a pro account, they'll have to at least match their pricing and plans to Backblaze.
[-] RunningDingos | 3 points
Im with you as well. 50GB free is really good.
I love many things about this service.
The clean, beautiful fast UI, that is obviously fine even during the extreme load right now. Impressive!
The free storage size, and also cheap plans for what you get.
That everything is encrypted and the encryption key is yours, and not part of the cloud service! (i.e. Mega can't decrypt your stuff even if ordered to, and more importantly, there are no keys to be leaked due to a security problem) This is a
[-] onthejourney | 2 points
I would love to use MEGA for transferring and archiving my videos as well as giving access to editors and after effects artists. Unfortunately, I'm concerned about investing my time and energy into using it for legit reasons and then having it go under.
[-] [deleted] | 2 points
Megaupload went down for how open the site was, there was no real pretension that the site was really for personal files. Videos were searchable, viewable within the site, and most uploaders didn't even have to bother coding the names. I'm just as excited as everyone else about the launch of Mega but the design of the system is far more secure in its function than Megaupload. Personally, I'm surprised by the layout of the site, as Kim Dotcom has been spouting off his FREEDOM speech for over a year now, yet has taken some pretty insane steps to prevent pirating. I mean, at this point (granted a day after launch) Mega doesn't seem like much more than Mediafire in black and grey and with more upload space. The biggest difference being that a Google search "Jay-Z black album mediafire" would actually get you results.
I believe Mega will stay up, if only for the reason that Kim Dotcom in the launch of Mega has completely exposed himself as a media whore, and not the rebel he had previously tagged himself as, and there's no money to be made from a site that's been shut down by the FBI.
[-] onthejourney | 2 points
I believe Mega will stay up, if only for the reason that Kim Dotcom in the launch of Mega has completely exposed himself as a media whore, and not the rebel he had previously tagged himself as, and there's no money to be made from a site that's been shut down by the FBI.
Excellent point. His whore-iness gives me hope? (sigh)
[-] 30cities30shooters | 1 points
I'm really excited too. I've 100GB on Dropbox and this will perfectly mirror my most important (to me) files on Mega.
[-] [deleted] | 11 points | Jan 20 2013 06:33:15
Yeah, I agree. I'm a designer and I plan to back up all my projects using Mega. I currently use Dropbox but I might use one service for backups and another to share files/present to clients.
50gb for free = amazing, I hope this doesn't get shutdown for having illegal content because frankly any service can be used for the wrong reasons. Also competition is great and I'm scared Dropbox will get bought out by Apple.
Also, if I remember correctly, Mega always had great upload/download speeds.
[-] SpockLivesOn | -1 points | Jan 20 2013 09:00:28
Last one got shut down even for those using it legitimately. I expect the same for this one.
[-] [deleted] | 7 points | Jan 20 2013 09:11:27
Actually, the fact it got shut down once gives me confidence that they're more prepared. I just watched the press conference and I think it would be tough to shut it down again. Either way, it's used as backup in addition to
[-] [deleted] | 3 points | Jan 20 2013 09:43:16
[-] [deleted] | 1 points | Jan 20 2013 10:36:58
Exactly, no one should ever rely on one service as a back up*. Once they add sync for mac/win, then I think it will give Dropbox and Drive some healthy competition.
[-] [deleted] | 2 points | Jan 21 2013 04:07:05
The FBI will be having issues seizing their servers hosted by down in Luxembourg...
I highly doubt they'll comply with DMCA now. doesn't force DMCA at all, it's a U.S thing.
[-] Defenerate | 1 points | Jan 21 2013 05:51:06
They might not be forced to but if you read the ToS they will.
Also, NZ laws means they will probably have to
[-] [deleted] | 1 points | Jan 21 2013 05:56:24
I don't see what NZ has to do with it. And they can always ignore DMCA complaints, disregarding their TOS.
[-] Defenerate | 1 points | Jan 21 2013 06:47:36
It's based in NZ
And yeah I guess, but I doubt they will
[-] naughtysnake | 1 points | Jan 23 2013 11:50:56
When reporting Copyrighted material, companies must agree not to sue MEGA, so it won't get shut down.